- Mark The Magnificent -

662 23 14

2nd Person POV

You were on your laptop when you noticed an article about your town. You looked through it and saw some news and random shit til something caught your eye.

There was supposedly a magic show
happening in your towns main area.

It was called, "Mark The Magnificent's Magnificent and Non-Malicious Magic Show!" It had a nice ring to it honestly.

Your eyes widened as you looked more into it. Being obsessed with magic since you were a kid, you were definitely engrossed into this Mark guys show.

'No tickets needed! It's free!' the article had said making you squeal with happiness.

It started in a few hours so you immediately got ready just so you could get there early.

You went to your room and put on whatever outfit you thought looked good and did your hair however you needed it to be.

You then put on any accessories you needed and quickly went to the door.

Grabbing your shoes, you speedily put them on and bolted out the door and into your car.

You were so giddy while you drove. You had been obsessed with anything magic related ever since you found out about Houdini as a child.

"Okay uh.. it should be here." You pulled into a small parking lot where not many cars were parked thankfully.

You got out and locked your car, walking towards an area where there were seats lined up on the mowed area.

You sat down in the front row and played on your phone til the show would start.

After a good 10 minutes, a crowd sat behind you. You turned your attention toward the stage and saw a man walk through the curtains of the stage.

"Hello everybody! My name is
Mark the Magnificent and welcome to my
Magnificent and Non-Malicious Magic Show!" Everyone in the crowd cheered, though you were shocked on noticing how handsome he really was.

He dawned a red suit that had a black cape attached to the back and had a cliche black magic hat sat on his head.

He wore black dress pants and black dress shoes as well. White gloves were on his hands as he held his wand, waving it around til confetti and fireworks shot out of it.

The crowd 'wowed' and 'awwed' at
the sky above. You were at a loss for words as you looked around.

You giggled to yourself as some confetti fell onto your nose and hair. You shook it off and looked back at the stage.

Mark smiled toward the crowd as he
took off his hat. After he did, he reached into it and pulled out a small box.

The crowd was confused for a minute.. til the box sprung to life!

"Hello! I'm Tiny Box Tim!" It yelled happily. The crowed 'oohed' and you even heard some 'awws' as Tim
hopped off of Marks hand.

"Tim, why don't you go find a volunteer from the crowd for my next trick, hm?" He asked the small box who nodded eagerly.

Tim hopped off the stage and started to look for the perfect candidate for Marks next trick.

You smiled at the box then looked back at the stage to see Mark looking at you.

You blushed as he winked at you. But when you went to wave at him, you felt a tap on your leg.

"Excuse me, would you like to be a volunteer in the show?" Tim asked from your feet.

Your eyes widened at the little box as you blinked, thinking it was fake.

"O-Oh! Uh- of course!" You answered. Tim smiled and lead you to the stage as Mark smiled toward you.

Once you got onto the stage, Mark walked toward you. He grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it in a gentlemanly matter.

"Afternoon. May I know your name?" He asked politely, making your heart flutter in delight.

"I'm Y/n, sir." You said as he let your hand go and gently put his arm around you.

"Everyone, I welcome Y/n to the stage! Give them a round of applause why don't ya?" The crowd clapped as your face was burning of nervousness and.. not really embarrassment but you were definitely freaked out.

Mark noticed and squeezed your shoulder in reassurance.

"Hey, you'll be fine. I promise." He whispered making you nod as he looked back at the crowd.

"Alright, for this trick, I'll be making this wonderful person.. fly!" You blushed at the compliment but gasped once you
felt yourself being lifted up.

Mark waved his wand and murmured the spell to himself so you wouldn't

"W-Whoa! I'm actually flying! Woohooooo!" You flew around happily, feeling freer than ever.

Mark than stood under you and stopped the spell, making you fall into his arms.

You yelped and fell into his arms as a large smile appeared on the handsome magicians face.

"Was that fun?" He asked you. You nodded, mirroring his smile as he set
you down gently.

"Alright. Now on to the next trick!"


After a few hours of doing many cool tricks with Mark, it was finally time for you to leave.

Everyone else had packed up and drove back home in their cars. You stayed for a bit since Mark had asked to talk to you after the show.

"Thank you Mark. That was incredible." You said to him as he nodded toward you, taking your hand in his.

"Of course, my dear. You were incredible. Though I do believe I have to go now. It was wonderful meeting you. Maybe... we could meet up sometime outside of the show?" He asked, looking into your eyes hopefully.

You blushed and nodded as he kissed your hand, snapping his fingers making a
bouquet and a small plush of Tim appear in his hands.

"For you." He said, a smile still on his face as you took them.

"Thank you, Mark. And we'll meet up when?" He pondered for a moment before waving his hand as a pen and
paper appeared in his hand.

He wrote down something and handed you it. A phone number, time, and place were wrote on it.

"Au revoir my dear. I'll see you then." He then kissed your cheek before disappearing into thin air.

You smiled and got into your car, giddy for when you'd see the magician of
your dreams once more.

< End >

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