- Masquerade -

602 20 15

Requested by: this_Devil

2nd Person POV

You had been invited to a very important party by a very important man. A man by the name of Mark.

He was apparently this very well-known actor. You didn't really know him all that well but.. you decided to go to his party anyway.

He had wanted everyone that lived near his manor to come since he apparently loves being the center of attention. So inviting a lot of people was a must.

As you walked into the large manor, you stared at the walls and prettily decorated area.

"Wow.. he really must be all that like they say he is.."

You then sighed, knowing that this would be pretty boring for the most part. You didn't even know anyone here and didn't have a date. You just stood by the corner, sipping a small glass of wine you had grabbed from the table by the door.

You decided to look around the manor a bit instead of just sulking in a corner the entire time.

As you walked, you noted the paintings along the walls and the expensive decor. As well as the high-priced rugs all throughout the manor.

But you were quickly stopped when you had ran into someone.

"Oh! I'm deeply sorry!" You said looking up at the person you had ran into.

The man turned around a cold look on his face —well from what you could tell since his mask was in the way— but it was soon replaced with a softer look.

"It is quite alright. Im sure you were just marveling at all of the neat things in my manor." Wait...

Oh my gods you had ran into the man of the party himself...

Your eyes widened and your chest tightened. It seems as though the actor could sense your fear due to his smile and lighthearted chuckle.

"Do not fret, my dear. You merely bumped into me. Though I would've probably yelled if I didn't see you wearing that beautiful outfit of yours." He said gently grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it.

Oh you were blushing hard. The suaveness this man held was.. immaculate..

He smiled at your dazed look and looked up upon hearing the music start.

He reeled you into his chest and smiled down at you, his brown eyes twinkling through the eyeholes of the mask.

"May I have this dance?" He asked as you nodded, still a bit shaken up.

His moves were flawless while yours were a tad bit messy. You didn't really dance. Nor did you really go to parties like this.

Yet he didn't notice a thing wrong with your dancing. Albeit maybe a little rusty, but nonetheless he thought you glided across the floor like you were a professional ice skater. He barely even knew you and he already loved you...

It was like Celine was out of his mind all together... He had to get to know you more. So, he decided to make conversation as you danced.

You then realized you hadn't even introduced yourself.

"Oh my gods, I must be an idiot. My name is Y/n by the way. I'm assuming your name is.. Mark? Is that right?" You asked politely as Mark chuckled and nodded, moving his feet to the music as you followed along.

"Y/n... it suits you. Although I do have to say my name may be very popular but I can't help but think it's because of me..." You snorted at his narcissism making him laugh as well. He hadn't laughed genuinely in a very long time...

Soon, you two had danced onto the large balcony area of the manor.

The actor stopped your dancing yet never let go of your hand. Your face was just as red as his probably extremely expensive suit.

Mark smiled at your red face once more as he looked at your mask and sighed.

"Can you take your mask off, please?" He also hasn't said please in a very long time. Not for anything sentimental anyway.

You smirked and looked at him, a twinkle in your eyes. "Only if you take yours off as well." Like you said, you've never really seen what the actor looked like in person. He was super busy after all.

He mirrored your smirk and took his off as so did you.

Now it was his turn to gawk. Though you still had a very shocked look on your face.

You were absolutely stunning. Wonderful. He was honestly jealous at how amazing you really were under that mask.

Although, he was one to say. He was the most handsome man you had ever seen. Though he was full of himself, he definitely had a reason to be..

You then felt a hand on the side of your face, pulling you out of your trance.

You looked into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes and smiled as so did he.

"You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen.. besides myself of course." You chuckled as he started to lean in, your eyes widening once more.

Soon enough, his minty fresh breath was lightly fanning your lips. Your noses lightly touching here and there.

And then, he started to slowly kiss you. It felt amazing. He was a very, very, good kisser, you thought.

Your arms wrapped around his torso as one of his went around your waist as the other stayed on your cheek.

You didn't know how much time had passed when you parted. Both of your lips swollen and a hazy look in your eyes.
Even he was blushing for once..

You both started giggling for some reason, not knowing why the matter of staring at each other was so funny.

Soon, your laughter died down and you had your head against Marks chest, his hand resting in your hair while the other wrapped around your waist protectively.

"Thank you for inviting me... Though I probably have to go. I have work tomorrow and if I want to keep my apartment then I better-" "Oh work shmurk, just stay with me. And if you'd like to work then work for me in the manor. If you leave now I don't think I'd live with myself." He interrupted, staring into your eyes lovingly.

You blushed and gave him a small yet confused smile.

"As in move in with you? I couldn't. I don't want to burden you. You are extremely busy after all." He huffed and intertwined your hand in his.

"Darling, please. I feel like it'd be nice to have someone else to talk to. Rather than myself of course." He spoke kissing the back of your hand.

You chuckled happily and hugged him tightly making him return it.

"Thank you, Mark... I'll be back tomorrow. I'll probably have to get a moving truck though-" "I have butlers and maids for a reason, love." Mark interrupted once more. You narrowed your eyes playfully at him while he just smiled smugly.

Soon, the party was over and it was time for you to leave and head home.

"I'll see you soon, Mark..." You said kissing him one more time.

He smiled into the kiss and dipped you, making you squeal in surprise.

"As to you too, my love." Mark said as Benjamin, his chauffeur and main butler, opened the car door for you.

"So how was the party? Did you enjoy it?" He asked looking in the mirror to look at you.

You smiled and looked at him then back out the window.

"I sure did, Benjamin."

"I sure did..."

< End >

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