- Studying Gone... Right? -

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2nd Person POV

There he was. In all his glory. Mark Edward Fischbach walking into your shared class.

He wasn't super popular, but he was known. He never really played a sport in besides wrestling, but he was part of the band and you thought that was cool enough.

Plus, he was just so handsome.. His chocolate brown eyes, his fluffy black hair, his slight stubble, his voice, and his goofy personality.

Mhm. You liked him. A Lot.

You were currently in your first period class which was History. You were pretty good at it and relatively liked it. And to top it off, the class wasn't that rowdy.

Mark sat right behind you and you sometimes hated it because every time he'd talk, it's like he was right beside your ear which made you blush. So. Damn. Much.

Soon, your teacher came in and started to talk about todays lesson which was about The American Plague.

Having already studied about it the previous night, you just doodled on your notes page.

"I like your drawings. They're pretty neat." A voice whispered from behind you softly.

You flinched a bit knowing full well on who it was. Were you dreaming? Or was Mark actually talking to you?

"Oh fuck- you freaked me out. But thank you nonetheless." You thanked quietly after you turned to face him.

"Chuckles Sorry. And no problem. Oh, by the way, do you think you could help me with my English homework that I have to do? Maybe after school? My grade in there is atrocious and I know that you're pretty good at it." He asked quietly as the teacher wrote something on the board.

"Sure. At your house or?" You asked as he thought it over.

"Mine. My house isn't far from the school. Unless you're uncomfortable with that then we don't have to." He answered as your eyes widened at the thought at being at his house.

I mean... going to your crushes house for the first time sounds nerve-wracking enough. Was this a dream? Was he joking? Was this some type of prank? Was he planning to murder you?!

Eh, you're still gonna go. You weren't gonna pass this opportunity up.

"Alright sounds good. I'm pretty sure you won't kidnap me. Just wait for me at the doors of the school. Or I'll wait for you if you aren't there." You answered him making him smile.

"Also here." He slipped a piece of paper to you. You took it and read it over. It was a number. His number to be exact.

Maybe you were dreaming.

You pocketed it right as the teacher turned around and started talking.

"Alright, today is relatively easy. You're one of my more calmer classes so I'm letting you pick partners on what you're going to do." You had to bite back a smile due to your hopes of having Mark as your partner.

"We'll be answering questions on The American Plague. I'm sure most of you studied last night so this should be pretty easy for you. I'll be handing out the packets with said questions shortly." He said while grabbing a huge stack of papers.

You felt Mark tap your shoulder from behind which made you turn to face him.

"Wanna be partners?" He asked with a soft smile, his big chocolate brown eyes staring deeply into your e/c orbs.

"I thought you'd never ask."


"Sooo... It's like that one SpongeBob episode where they all turned yellow from the SpongeBob patties?" Mark asked making you burst into laughter.

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