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My Personal Headcannons For Dating Noir!Mark and Noir!Mark Himself:

• The most suave and charming motherfucker out there besides Illinois.

• His real name is Niles Caine.

• Ya know those old black and white movies when the girl walks into the detectives room and they basically just make out on his desk?

• Yeah.. that's happened more than once. WAY more than once.

• Pet names for you: Honey, darling, babe, dear, baby, sugar, cutie, and hun.

• Pet names for him: Private eye, partner, handsome, honey, babe, and darling.

• Coffee is literally his blood. I swear. He loves it.

• You like to get him really cheesy coffee house decor. He hates it yet loves it at the same time.

• He also really likes whiskey. Definitely his drink of choice.

• Loves wrapping you up in his coat since it's so huge. You love it just as much as he does.

• This man can't cook for shit and you can't change my mind. He seems like the type to pop a bowl of ramen in the microwave and call that dinner.

• He loves it when you mess with his hair and beard. Why? Dunno, it just comforts him.

• And he's really a lot like Illi. The only person who can wear his coat and hat are you and him. No. One. Else.

< End >

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