- Malfunctioning Closets -

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2nd Person POV

You walked through the busy halls of the ship, making sure things were
tip-top-shape and running accordingly.

While you did, you stumbled upon 1st Mate Tyler trying to get into one of the closets.

"Hey captain! I was trying to get some cleaning supplies out of here but uh.. the door is jammed." He spoke trying to use the panel to open it but it kept glitching out.

"I'll alert the engineer. Thank you for letting me know!" You thanked him as he nodded and went on his merry way.

You sighed as you looked at the panel. A wire was sticking out and the panel screen showed a bright red, 'Error.'

You tapped the screen a few times and tried smacking it to see if that would fix it. Nope.

But then the screen started to violently glitch out, the door screeching open making you cover your ears.

Thankfully, the screeching stopped. The door was now open and revealed the dark closet that held all the cleaning supplies that Tyler needed.

You sighed and walked in. But you immediately regretted it when the door slammed shut, leaving you in the dark.

Gasping out of fear, you tried to press the panel that was on the wall in the closet. But it was glitched out too!

Your breathing got quicker, your chest tightened, and your heart was practically pounding out of your chest.

"Mark! Celci! Tyler! Gunther! Someone help me!" You yelled out, trying to get anyones attention.

Tears started to fall from your eyes, your body shaking like a tremor in the ground.

You hated small spaces. Hated them. Especially dark small spaces that you couldn't get out of.

Meanwhile, Mark was sauntering around the ship seeing if there was anything that needed to be fixed when he heard his name being yelled.

He immediately became panicked upon hearing it was your timid voice.

"Captain?" He yelled out trying to find where your voice had came from.

He ran around and finally found where the malfunctioning closet was.

He rose a brow. But then he heard crying from inside it...

"Captain? Is that you?! Don't worry, I'll get you out just stay calm." Mark spoke, his voice calming your nerves just the tiniest bit.

You heard noises and different voices as you panicked inside the very small area.

After a few minutes, the door slid open. Your heroes behind it.

Mark stood there, a screwdriver in hand and a worried look on his face. You quickly ran out of the cramped room and into his arms.

Mark dropped his screwdriver and held you close, knowing how bad your fear was due to.. past situations.

"Captain, look at me. You're okay. Everything's fine. You aren't in the closet anymore, it's okay.." He reassured you.

"Just focus on my heartbeat, Captain. Don't think of anything else." Mark spoke into your ear, your body starting to cease the shivering and shaking.

You put your ear against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart as your breathing slowed to a normal pace.

The engineer then gently helped you up, still having his arms around you while you had yours around his neck.

The others around the two of you worriedly watched, hoping that their captain was okay.

When you pulled away, you looked into Marks eyes and sighed.

"Are you okay now? I'm so sorry.. I should've known that door was broke beforehand so this wouldn't have- mphh!" The engineer was then interrupted by your lips on his.

His eyes widened as so did the crew members around the two of you.

That was until Burt shooed them all away to give you two some private time.

When you pulled away, all that you could see was a stunned and shocked Mark.

You chuckled and kissed his cheek, trying to get him out of his trance.

He shook his head and looked down at you, smiling like a dork.

"Thank you for- whoa!" Mark had suddenly scooped you up into his arms.

You laughed as he spun you, hugging you close while he giddily smiled like a kid on his birthday.

"I've been waiting for that for so damn long, you have no idea." Mark said, rubbing your noses together making you laugh at his cuteness.

"Maybe you should get stuck in malfunctioning closets more if this is how it turns out."

"Aaaand ya ruined it..."

< End >

Markiplier and Egos Oneshots | TAKING REQUESTS |जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें