- Safe and Protected -

651 25 24


2nd Person POV

Murdock opened the front door to his house quietly, slowly sauntering into the doorway.

His footsteps were quiet as a mouse. They needed to be if he was a murderer. No one could find out his very gruesome profession.

Although you knew. But only you were to know. Thankfully, you didn't care. That was one of the many reasons to why he loved you.

The murderer soon approached the living room where you sat on the couch, your eyes glued onto the TV.

The man smiled at your form, his glasses hiding his ruby red eyes as they glinted from the small light that came from the TV.

He walked up to you from behind the couch, setting his hands on the back of it then kissed the top of your head.

You flinched and darted your head to see him grinning smugly, his small knife in his hand.

"Did I scare you my love? I'm sorry." He said leaning down to kiss your forehead, a blush appearing on your face.

"Yeah you did... jeez. You're lucky I wasn't watching a horror movie or I definitely would've screamed." You laughed out, holding your hand over your heart.

Murdock chuckled and walked his way toward the bathroom to clean himself up. He had a bit of... residue left on him from his last incident.

He took a quick shower and shaved a bit, noticing that his facial hair was getting rather unruly.

After doing so, he changed into a dark red long sleeved shirt and black sweatpants due to how cold the house currently was.

Speaking of cold, he had noticed your shivering form on the couch. Smirking, he walked toward you and sat down beside your trembling form.

The man then scooped you up and onto his lap, not forgetting to pull the blankets over the both of you.

"Better, my dear? I forget how cold you get sometimes." He spoke, his deep baritone voice right beside your ear due to him resting his head in the crook of your neck.

"Yes, much." You said, you cheeks flooding with color while you shifted yourself so your head was under his chin.

Your cheek pressed into his chest where you could hear and feel his heart steadily beating.

It was a calming sound and feeling to you. A lullaby if you will. Soothing your nerves as it seeped into your ears.

"Thank you..." You whispered, snuggling closer into the murderers chest.

The mans smile only grew upon hearing your thank you. As he peppered your shoulder, neck, and jawline with kisses, he replied back with, "You're quite welcome, my dear."

After awhile of sitting with you, the man's eyes started to droop.

The previous killings he had done were a bit more brutal and harder than usual. They usually didn't drain him of his energy all that much.

Somehow, being with you made his body relax and feel like that all he needed to do was keep you warm and protected.

You wrapped your arms around his own arm, holding it close to you like your life depended on it.

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