- Until We Meet Again -

607 21 15

Requested by: @priinglescafe

2nd Person POV

It was a cold and chilly night.. Murdock was out stalking his next victims home...

Which was you.

Murdock was part assassin and hitman so he was paid to kill as well with just wanting to kill. Turns out, someone was out to end you.

Although, the request to kill you seemed rather petty to the murderer.

The requester had said, "I need you to kill an old friend of mine. They got everything they ever wanted and I didn't. They deserve to be killed. Let me know once they're dead. Oh, and make sure to use a knife rather than a gun..."

Even Murdock thought it was a little harsh, but he shrugged it off and went on with the murder.

He ducked down under the window that led into your kitchen as you washed the remaining dishes in your sink.

The previous week had been rough for you. Work had been excruciatingly exhausting, your coffee machine broke a few days ago ( you have yet to get a new one ), and your car got backed into and now a huge dent was shown on the side like a sore thumb.

Not to mention when you caught your boyfriend of 2 years cheating on you with a random chick. Life was great.

After you were finally finished with the dishes, you heavily sighed and decided you needed some fresh air.

You dried your hands and put on your dark red cardigan since it was a bit chilly out tonight.

You opened the sliding door to your backyard and walked out, shutting it then sitting down on the steps of your patio.

Murdock heard the back door shut and he smirked, knowing this was the perfect time to strike.

He slowly crept along the side of your house, his knife in hand.

But then.. he stopped.

Was that.. crying he heard?

He peeked his head around the side of your house, making sure you didn't see him at all.

He did hear crying. And it had been coming from you! The murderer rose a brow and thought on why you could've been crying...

"Why does e-everything have to go wrong for me? I-I don't know what I d-did..." Now Murdock really felt bad for you. But.. why?

He was always so cold toward people... Even if they were screaming in agony and pain. But you... you just seemed lonely and sad. And for some reason, the so-called cold-hearted murderer didn't like that at all.

He pocketed his knife and slowly walked out of his hiding spot.

You furrowed your brows as you looked up, flinching once you saw a man standing in front of you.

You dried the tears from cascading down your cheeks while the man stooped down to your level. His eyes showing nothing but sympathy.

"W-Who are you...? I-I heard there
w-was a killer around.. a-are you them...?" You asked wearily, your body shaking like a leaf.

Murdock sighed and looked down then back up at you, taking his glasses off and sitting down to where he sat beside you.

You noticed his ruby red eyes, wondering if they were real or contacts.

"Yes, I am him. Murdock is my name. I was.. actually assigned to kill you. But... I noticed how down you were already and... took sympathy in you I never knew I had in me." He spoke, his voice in a deep sultry tone you could listen to all day.

You sighed and stared at the ground.

"S-So.. you aren't going to kill me?" You asked quietly, your e/c eyes meeting his red ones.

Murdock pondered on that question for awhile and smirked.

"No... I won't.. as long as you don't tell anyone about who I am. Then I'll have to kill you." His voice going from calm to sinister making you shudder a bit.

You sighed and put your head on your hand.

"I don't have anyone to tell anyway. I don't really have any friends as it is, so.. your secret is safe with me, Murdock." You said with a smile, your tear-stained face glowing in the moonlight.

Murdock couldn't help it. You looked so amazing to him. A poor lonely soul that just needed someone to talk to.

But he now knew he'd have to kill the person who requested to kill you. And.. probably a few more...

"Well... I'm guessing you need to get going. Thank you for not killing me." You said standing up as so did he.

Murdock chuckled and ugh it was like music to your ears.

"You're very welcome, my dear Y/n... We'll meet again. I'm sure..." He said coming closer toward you and gently grabbing your hand.

He pulled it to his lips and lightly kissed the back, your cheeks flaming up due to his flirtatiousness.

The man chuckled once more at your red face then pulled you close, leaning down to your ear.

"I promise I'll make sure the person who assigned me to kill you will perish... You're much too precious for me to kill anyway..." A shiver ran up your spine as he kissed your cheek and slowly pulled away. You were already yearning for his touch...

"Au revoir, darling..." He said opening the gate to your fence then disappearing into the shadows...

You stood there, still too shocked to even move due to what just happened.

You then wondered who wanted to kill you and hoped they were ready for what was coming their way.

Shaking out of your shocked daze, you smiled.

Maybe things were turning out okay for you after all...

Before you went back inside, you took one look back to where he left and softly said under your breath,

"Until we meet again..."

< End >

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