- Without-Love-Insomnia -

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2nd Person POV

You were tired. Very tired. But for some reason, you just couldn't sleep.

You weren't one for being an insomniac so you didn't understand what was going on. You figured it was just stress. But from what?

Perhaps it was constant worrying? The holidays being just around the corner? Maybe the egos were just giving you a hard time lately.

But.. it's been happening ever since your last relationship ended. Still, it just didn't make sense.

Yet, you had one idea. But.. that certainly couldn't have been it.

Definitely not...

Currently, you were leaning up against the counter in the kitchen. A small light above the sink was the only thing illuminating your form.

You breathed in, staring at the floor with a bottle of now room temp water beside you.

"I want to sleep so bad..." You mumbled to yourself, your voice quiet so you don't wake anyone.

You took a slow glance at the oven clock. 3:24 in the morning.

Sighing, you took a sip of your water then set it back down, the plastic of the bottle crinkling which made you cringe.

"Y/n?" You perked up at the sudden voice. Looking up, you saw Yancy.

"Didn't expect youse to be up." He spoke, scratching his chest a bit.

You nodded your head at him. Not super sure why you did you just.. did.

He rose a brow. You didn't seem super chipper like usual. Even if it was 3:30 in the morning.

The tatted man walked over to you, walking past you to grab something from the fridge. When he did, his hand brushed against your back making you shudder.

He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and stood beside you, glancing at your sulking form.

"Are youse alright? I didn't want to.. pry or anythin' but I's a little worried to be honest." His voice resonated in your head. It was so deep and quiet you honestly thought he might've solved you're not being able to sleep problem.

"Yeah.. I'm okay. Just really tired even though my body won't let me fall asleep." You replied, drinking the last bit of your water.

He hummed, downing half of his water then wiping his lips.

"Why are you up?" You asked to fill the silence in the room.

Yancy capped his bottle and set it down beside your now empty one, holding his head up with his hand after he did.

"Dunno. Randomly woke up. Maybe my mind somehow knew youse wasn't doin' too good and made me get up to check on youse." He turned to look at you, a small grin on his lips.

You smiled back, admiring how good he looked in such small lighting.

"Do youse think youses gonna go to sleep at all? If Wilford finds out youse ain't sleeping he's not gonna be happy." You snorted at what he said, shaking your head.

"Wilford would be mad at me anyway if I slept. I sleep in so much I'm surprised he hasn't set up his own alarm for me." You answered, grabbing your empty bottle then walking over to the trash to throw it away.

Yancy smiled fondly at you. Man. He didn't know why he liked you. But damn he was lying if he said he didn't.

"Well.. do youse know what the problem might be? To why youse can't sleep?" He queried, watching as you stared out the window.

"Mm.. sort of, I guess. It's dumb though so.." Yancy rolled his eyes with a smile and walked over to you, putting an arm around your shoulder.

"Youse can tell me, doll. I won't judge whatever it could be."

You smiled with a shake of your head, you knew he wasn't gonna stop prying. So, you decided to tell him.

"Well.. ever since my last relationship ended, which was... a week ago, I haven't been sleeping that great. It's either too quick, I'm not comfy, or I just can't fall asleep. I think.. I think it's because I'm not used to.. sleeping alone. Without-love-insomnia if you will." You explained, staring at the sky out the window.

Yancy hummed, rubbing your shoulder gently. He understood.

You then looked at the time, grimacing once you noticed the bright 4:02 on the clock.

"I really need to get to bed.. but fuck I won't be able to sleep.." You grumbled, resting your forehead on Yancys chest.

That's when the inked man started to think. Maybe he could help you with your situation. Would it make things awkward between you two? Possibly. Was it worth the risk? Definitely.

"Did.. did you want me to lay down with you? I mean.. I's a pretty good cuddle-buddy from what I've been told." A blush dusted across your face. Did he really just ask that...?

He smirked at your flustered state. He knew you'd get like this.

"I-I- uh.. why not? I don't have anything to lose.." You stammered over your words slightly. Of course he'd make you feel like this...

You walked out of the kitchen and up to your room, but you were gently pulled back by someone.

You turned to see Yancy, his hand holding your wrist.

"I though we were laying down?" You said confusedly looking into his eyes.

He chuckled quietly, the baritone in his voice made you practically melt.

"In my room, hun. My beds bigger." You blushed once more but nodded, letting him grab your hand and walk with you to his room.

He walked you to his bed, letting your hand go so you could get comfy on one side.

Once you did, Yancy stripped off his shirt and stretched.

You didn't mean to dreamily stare at him. Neither did you mean to sigh out while you did.

The ex-prisoner smirked at you, a slight blush on his face that matched your own.

He sighed and slipped into the bed beside you, knocking you out of your trance.

He pulled you to him and held you close, his hand gently rubbing your back.

"Does this feel nice, sweetheart?" He whispered into your ear, it sending a rocket of shivers over your body.

"Mhm... very, thank you Yance.." You mumbled, nuzzling into him.

He smiled and kissed the top of your head, feeling your body weight shift onto him. You finally fell asleep.

"Youses welcome, babes... sleep tight, hun.."

Yancy promised you that your without-love-insomnia wouldn't ever plague your head ever again.

And he was right.

It never ever did again.

< End >

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