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My Personal Headcannons For Dating HeeHoo and HeeHoo Himself:

• Tarzan.

• He is literally just Tarzan.

• Since he can't talk that well, you only have pet names for him which are: Tarzan, jungle man, George of the Jungle, buddy, honey, and baby.

• He wears tattered shorts ( not a loincloth or weird grass skirt thing- ).

• You teach him how to speak certain words from time to time.

• Though his favorite word you taught him was your name. He loves saying it.

• "Y/...n?" "That's right! You got it buddy!"

• He's a super happy person but really only when you're happy.

• When you got stuck in the woods initially, he was very cautious of you and was about to kill you. Yet after a bag of takis and a bit of a staring contest he became rather curious of you.

• He came up to you and sniffed at you curiously making you back up in fear.

• But he didn't flinch. He walked closer toward you and gently grabbed your hand, putting his against it.

• Just like Tarzan :)

• He then had realized you two were the same and he was overjoyed to see someone like him.

• You thought he was adorable on how the way he acted while he dragged you around, showing you things that he thought was interesting.

• He really adores you.

• He loooves showing you affection and always wonders why your face is so red when he does.

• "Y/n okay?" "Y-Yes HeeHoo. Y/ns o-okay." >/////<

• If you're getting attacked or you're scared, HeeHoo is there to keep you safe and protected.

• Some of the animals that live around the woods you're friends with and so is he.

• You once saw him playing with this big bear and you thought it was gonna eat him, but nope! They just wrestled around.

• He's your Tarzan. What's not to love?

< End >

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