- I Think I Love You -

688 22 44

2nd Person POV

It was a chilly October night. You were walking home from your friends house after a riveting party.

You would have drove but you were picked up and literally everyone there was drunk except for you so.. walking home it was.

Thankfully, your house wasn't too far so you were sure you'd be fine.

But as you walked, you stumbled upon a little bat just chilling on the sidewalk.

You, being you, bent down to get a closer look at it. It seemed to have fell asleep or maybe fell out of the sky or a tree.

You got a stick from the ground beside you and poked it.

After getting no response, you poked it again. It then jolted up and turned to you, backing away as it hissed and and screeched in defense.

"Whoa, whoa, hey there little guy. Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I promise." You said as you stepped away from it.

Wait.. why the fuck were you talking to a bat?

The little bat stopped hissing and a curious look took over it's face. That's when It started to crawl toward you.

"U-Uh.. bats have rabies don't they..?" You said stepping farther away, not. wanting to die from it.

The bat stopped and it almost sounded like it whimpered.. bats don't whimper do they?

You sighed and looked down at it before crouching down again to it's level.

You then hesitantly picked up the bat and set it in the pocket of your hoodie.

It snuggled into the fabric and poked
its little head through, it's curious red eyes staring into yours.

You smiled and decided to carry him to your house. Just in case he may have been injured.

Once you arrived, you opened the door and watched as the little bat basically flew out of your pocket and landed on the couch.

It sniffed around while you took off your shoes and sat down.

The bat looked at you and climbed up your arm, nuzzling it's body into the side of your neck.

You giggled, yet you were still a bit shocked and skeptical of the little bat.

But as you went to put the bat down for a minute, it was gone.

"What the...?" You mumble to yourself. Puzzled, you went to get up and find the little guy but arms pulled you down.

Wait.. arms?!

You got out of the persons grasp and faced whoever it was. It was a.... very attractive.. man?

He had raven black hair, strong jawline and stubble, and deep brown eyes. He dawned a maroon long sleeved shirt and black jeans as well.

"H-How.. how the hell did you get in here? who are you?" You asked weirded out as you stepped away from him in fear.

The man stood up from his spot and sighed, scratching his neck nervously. "Well.. uh. ya know that bat?" Oh gods his voice was deep.. wait how'd
he know about the bat?

He then flashed his eyes, them going from red and then back to brown.

Your jaw dropped as you noticed the color they were. They looked identical to the bats.

"But- wait- hold on. How are you the bat? That makes 0 fucking sense-" Then it hit you.

You recalled to when you were scrolling through your phone on the news
app randomly. It had said that..
somehow, a vampire was spotted around your area. You didn't believe it obviously but.. now you sure did.

You started to tear up, thinking he was going to drain you of your blood or turn you into a vampire.

The man noticed your distress and immediately went over to comfort you.

"Hey, hey, I may be a vampire but don't be afraid of me please. I'm not here to hurt you. You just.. I felt the need to follow you for some reason. My name is Mark by the way. I would've told you before but.. obviously couldn't." He spoke with a smile. Now you noticed the
sharpened canines..

You were internally freaking out. A hot vampire was in front of you right now.
How the hell?

"Why and.. how? Just.. I'm so confused. Why did you decide to stay with me?"
You asked still baffled. Mark sighed and looked down.

"Like I said, I don't know. I felt a pull toward you I guess. But I swear I'm not here to hurt you. That's the last thing
l'd do to you. Unless.. you like that~" A smirk took over his face as he noticed the look you dawned go from confused to flustered.

He chuckled and stood right in front of you. Your chests were practically touching.

You gulped as he started to lean down.
Wait was he trying to-

"No, I'm not going to bite you. But like I said, if you want me to, I gladly will..." He spoke, his deep voice resonating in
your head.

But then you noticed yourself starting to lean in. Was this really happening?!

The vampire wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close as your lips met.

Oh gods it felt unreal. Sure you just met him, but come on! Who would pass this up?

You linked your arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss. You felt his teeth poke your lip a few times.

After your gross makeout session, the two of you broke away. Panting and with swollen lips.

A hazy look was glazed over your eyes as Mark smiled at you, leaning his forehead on yours.

"Now I know why I followed you." He spoke.

You rose a brow as your e/c eyes looked into his brown ones.

"Why?" You asked as he leaned in again.


"I think I love you."

< End >

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