- My Little Mermaid -

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2nd Person POV

Wilford was moseying about in the manor when he heard something splash in the bathroom.

He rose a brow and waltzed toward the door, putting his ear up against it to hear what was going on.

"Shit.." He heard a female voice mumble. The only female in the house was you.. a worried look took over his face as he knocked on the door.

"Y/n? Sugarplum, are you alright?" He asked you concernedly, listening through the door.

He never got an answer so he then tried jiggling the door handle. It was obviously locked.

"May I come in dear?" "No! Uh.. I mean.. hold on!" Wilfords brows furrowed once more.

After a few minutes, the door opened and you walked out already dried and dressed.

"Sorry.. I was taking a bath and dropped a bunch of bottles in on accident. Nothing to fret over." You said smiling. Although there was something else there. But what the pink man could not determine.

"Alrighty then. I just needed to check and see if my darling was alright." He said kissing your forehead.

He gave you a smile as you then smiled back, going back to your shared room.

Wilford waited til you were fully in the room to scope out the bathroom in case you had been hiding something.

He walked in and shut the door behind him as he then started his search for whatever you could've been keeping away from him.

The murderous journalist walked around and searched every nook and cranny he could. What could you have been hiding? And where were you hiding it at?

It was when he went to look in the bathtub to see if anything was in there that made the man highly confused.

He bent down and looked inside the tub quizzically.

A ( favorite color ) scale was near the drain of the tub.

Wilford then picked it up and ran his finger over it gently. Why and how did you have a scale?

"How did a scale get into the tub? Especially since.. wait!" He stood up and ran back to your shared room, closing the door behind him and kneeling down to your level since you were sitting down in the chair.

"Wilford? Did you-... What's that in your hand?" You asked as he held it in his palm.

"Well, it seems to me it's a mermaid scale. But you were the last one to be in the bathroom." He answered as the man eyed her.

You were definitely uncomfortable but you sighed and ran a hand through your hair. You needed to tell him.

"Alright, fine... You caught me. Come on." You answered, getting up as Wilford stood there stunned.

He followed you into the bathroom. You then told him to turn around and not look til you told him to.

Wilford smirked and wiggled his eyebrows making you smile and roll your eyes.

He turned around as he then heard the water turn back on and rustling behind him.

After a few minutes, your voice could be heard.

"Alright.. just.. don't freak out please..." He giddily turned around and gasped at what was in front of him.

You were a mermaid. Your tail was a beautiful and glistening ( favorite color ), just like the scale he had found.

Wilford knelt down to your level since you were in the tub and gently ran his hand over it.

You smiled and watched as he admired your uniqueness.

"Y/n.. why did you hide this from me? You know I wouldn't judge you.." He asked looking into your eyes.

You sighed and look away from him, only making him take hold of your chin gently to pull your face back to face his.

"I felt.. scared. Even though I should never be scared of you, Wil. My mom and dad always told me to keep it to myself and never tell anyone so.. I listened. But never told the ones that I fully trusted. I'm sorry, love." You spoke gently as a tear cascaded down your cheek.

Wilford wiped the tear away and kissed your forehead softly.

"Don't be sorry, dear... You were merely protecting yourself. You have no reason to be sorry for that. And thank you for finally showing me. You're very beautiful this way..." He said with a smile to which you returned with another one.

"Alright, now that's settled. Let's get you out and dried so we can watch a movie and cuddle together." He spoke while you  nodded and gestured for him to leave.

Wilford nodded and left as he then went to set up movie night for the two of you.

But as he walked through the kitchen, he noticed Bing on the counter eating his pink cookies he made earlier.

He sighed and pulled out his gun, waving it around his finger.

The bot looked at him and his eyes widened to their fullest. They looked like they'd pop right out.

"U-Uh.. Heya there.. Wil.. Uhm.." Wilford rose a brow at him as the yellow bot placed the cookie he was munching on back onto the plate.

Bing stood there as Wilford put his gun back in his pocket, a faux grin taking over his face.

"Good job, pal. Wouldn't want you becoming a pile of scrap and oil now don't we?" He laughed out as Bing nervously shuffled out of the room.

Walking toward the pantry, Wilford searched for a few snacks him and Y/n liked as well as getting a few drinks for the two from the fridge.

Once he was done, he went to the living room and grabbed the remote, turning on Disney+ and putting on the first movie that came to mind.

He grabbed a few pillows and blankets from the closet and made a small fort for the two of you as well as setting down the snacks he got onto the table.

He then heard your footsteps padding against the ground as he crawled into the pillow den he made.

You smiled as you crawled in beside him, snuggling into the mans side.

You had the happiest smile on your face til your looked at the TV, looking back at Wilford with a 'Really?' look.

"What? It was perfect for the occasion! Plus you're my little mermaid~" He said as he hit play on, of course, The Little Mermaid.

You rolled your eyes but laughed and kissed his cheek, making him smile and pull you closer toward him.

Wilford smiled again, thinking about what he had said earlier.

'My little mermaid...'

< End >

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