- Best Birthday Present Ever -

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Happy B-Day to our favorite demon! It's been 10 years since he was put into existence. Jeez..

2nd Person POV

Today was Darks birthday. You hoped that he would come around and celebrate it, but if not, then you'd probably have to try and make him.

With two mugs of coffee in hand, you lightly tapped on Darks door.

You heard a deep voice say 'come in' making you open the door and shutting it back with your foot.

Dark smiled at your presence from his bed, he must've just woken up.

You blushed at the sight of his shirtless form yet you shrugged it off.

Handing him his drink, you sat down in front of him on his bed, putting the hot liquid up to your lips.

"I'm sorry, Dark. Did my knocking wake you? I just wanted to bring you some coffee." You apologized making Dark shake his head as he sipped his mug.

"No, I've been awake for a few minutes already. But thank you for the pleasing coffee. Is this Top of The Mornin'?" He asked with a smile making you nod and smile back.

"So, did you forget what today was?" You asked with a mischievous smile.

He furrowed his brows and thought for a moment then looked back at you. "Uhm.. no? I don't think I remember what today would be other than Sunday." He spoke, scratching his chest a bit.

"It's your birthday! How did you not remember?" You said as the grey man's eyes widened.

"It seems as though that I have forgotten. Oh well. I never celebrated it anyway. Unless Wilford would try and throw a party for me but I never paid any mind to it." He said drinking the rest of his coffee, setting the cup down on his beside table.

"I also hope you take gifts. Cause I did get you something pretty special." You said thinking of what you had gotten him.

The man smirked confusing you a bit til a strange look you had never seen before took over his eyes.

"Hm... Well, the only thing that I'd ever really want would be you..." He flirted, a smug look on his handsome face.

Your face burned as he let out a laugh that you rarely ever heard but gods did you love it.

You also noticed that he was rather close to you. Though he was just sitting against his bed-frame..

The look on his face was soft. Calm. Relaxed. He had never been this way in front of someone in his entire... well.. existence you could say.

You smiled back at him, staring into his ebony eyes with the same look on your face.

You did have a slight crush on the demon. You loved how gentlemanly he was. You really looked for that in a guy at times.

But then you realized the two of you leaning in and soon enough, your lips touched.

It felt amazing to you. Dark was just as happy as you were. Perhaps maybe a little bit more.

He put his arms around you with one hand gently caressing your cheek. You smiled into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck.

Kiss after kiss after kiss. 5 minutes had passed. You two stopped to breathe properly and just to stare into each other's eyes in content.

"Are you sure that wasn't my birthday present, darling?" You laughed and put your head on his still bare chest as the demon smiled at the sound of your laughter in his ears.

"Yes, I'm very sure. Now come on! The party will be ready soon! And don't worry, we made it especially to where you won't be uncomfortable or too crowded." You spoke happily slipping out of his arms as he stood up, playfully rolling his eyes at your eagerness.

"Alright. Just let me get dressed. I'll be down in a minute, love." Your heart fluttered as you walked out of the room.

Once you did, you walked to the main area of the manor and proudly looked around.

A table with dark chocolate and red velvet cupcakes stood on one side of the lobby while another table held a few presents as there was also a few decorations up and around the room. Obviously it wasn't too overbearing since it was Darkiplier.

"Amazing job guys! He's gonna love this!" You said excitedly as Wilford smirked and rose a brow at you.

"Heard everything by the way. Are you sure that wasn't your gift, hm?" You huffed and rolled your eyes as the pink man laughed, patting your shoulder gently.

You then heard footsteps behind you. You turned to see Dark dawning his white suit. He probably wanted to look his best and.. jeez he did a perfect job of doing that. You practically had to keep yourself from drooling...

He smirked at the look on your face and came closer toward you, snapping his fingers which somehow stopped time for a brief moment.

He bent down to your level and pulled you into a passionate and loving kiss making you turn practically into putty in his hands.

"I expect more after the party, my love..." You nodded with a red face as he snapped his fingers once again, time resuming.

Dark kissed you one last time before he went to talk to some of the others.

You smiled at him. He didn't seem irritated. Nor did he seem overly happy but at least he was calm.

Soon, he had done everything except open the last present which was yours.

He looked at the box then at you which made you smile at him.

He smiled back and lifted the lid off the box, revealing two new rings, a black rose, and a picture frame of you and Dark a long while back.

You had gotten them because of how good of a friend Dark was, but now... it meant so much more.

Dark looked up at you with the softest look in his eyes as he smiled and set the box down.

He walked toward you and reeled you in his arms, kissing your forehead and holding you close.

"Thank you, my love... Though I feel as though you had something to tell me after giving this to me.. guess it already happened, hm?" Dark spoke with a smile as you laughed, kissing his cheek.

The others who didn't know were baffled to see Dark act like the way he was acting. Wilford just smiled like the dork he is however.

After the party, you and Dark went up to his room and laid down while Titanic played in the background since it was all that was on.

However, you two were barely paying attention to it. You were both too caught up in staring at each other lovingly.

"Thank you for the gifts, darling... Though that kiss was probably the best of it all." The demon said kissing your head lightly as you smiled into his chest.

"By the way, what I said earlier.. I meant it." You cocked your brow til you remembered when he said he'd expect more kisses.

You blushed as he pulled your chin up, your lips meeting once more as they both fit together like puzzle pieces.

He moved to where he was on top of you. The kisses trailing from your lips, to your jaw, and then your neck.

You breathed in heavily til he stopped and went back to your lips, kissing you tenderly as your arms hung loosely around his neck.

He pulled away and smiled at your hazy and dopey look due to what had just happened.

You smiled as well and gave him one last kiss before you started to grow tired.

The demon smiled and pulled you on top of him, the blanket coming to rest on both of your bodies.

But before you had completely fell asleep, you heard a deep voice speak.

"Best birthday present ever..."

< End >

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