- Touch-Starved -

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2nd Person POV

To say the least, Dark was most definitely touch-starved. Poor guy hasn't had a real hug in a millennia.

Well, ever since he was... Damien anyway.

But we all know that was still a long, long time ago.

You started to notice this because, every time you'd walk past him, he'd tense up or flinch slightly.

Now for being a big bad brooding demon, you figured that he wouldn't care for such affection.

But oh were you wrong.

He hadn't been loved in forever. He won't admit it but he does love hugs.

Any time Wilford would hug him, he would freeze. He never returned them since he has a reputation to uphold but he wished he could.

But enough of that, on with the fanfi- OW! 'No! Bad Wilford! Breaking the fourth wall is NOT allowed!'

You decided to go see what Dark was doing due to boredom being a sad and reoccurring thing that plagued your mind every hour of the day.

When you reached the demons office door, it wasn't shut or locked like usual.

You furrowed your brows and walked in.

There sat Dark in his swivel chair, typing away on his computer doing.. Hades knows what.

"Dark how long have you been working?" He looked at you for a moment but never stopped typing.

"It's... 7 PM so... Since 6 this morning give or take." He answered, sipping his probably tenth cup of coffee.

You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose.

Why were you so worried about Dark and his mental health? Well, you were basically the therapist to everyone around the manor. Yes, that includes Dr. Iplier.

"C'mon Dark, you need sleep. If you want I can have me or one of the egos finish up your work for you while you rest." You said looking at the sleep deprived demon who grumbled.

"Y/n, it's fine. Besides the other egos are too brain dead to do my work. Well.. besides Dr. Iplier and Google. But that's mostly it." He was stalling now wasn't he?

"Then I'll make one of them do it. Now come on." You said trying to pull him from his seat.

He didn't budge. Although that was mostly because he found your struggle rather amusing.

"Dark, I'm serious! No one likes a sleepy and grumpy Dark bossing them around all day. Now please go lay down?" He sighed, thinking for a moment til he finally gave in.

"Fine. But I have a schedule and if none of that doesn't get finished in the next 8 hours, I won't just be grum-" He stopped mid-sentence when your hand rested on his back, lightly rubbing it.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Finish- oh wait.. hey are you okay?" You asked while he stood there frozen.

"U-Uh.. yes.. I-I'm fine." You rose a brow but shrugged it off as the two of you walked out of the dimly lit office.

Dark headed off to his room and sighed as he closed the door.

"This is pathetic... I can't stop thinking about them. Just... their touch in general just- fuck.. Maybe I do need to rest..." The demon spoke, stripping off his suit and the rest of his clothes.

After stripping, he put on a black t-shirt and grey sweat pants he borrowed from Illinois.

Then, you had came back so Dark could know who would be doing his work.

"The doc is busy with his own work so Google will be working on your computer okay?" You spoke with a small smile, seeing the tired look on his face.

Dark nodded and yawned, sliding into his bed.

You went to leave but you were stopped by Darks voice.

"Wait.. could you.. stay? Please?"

Your eyes widened at how... vulnerable the demon sounded. This was a very rare thing for you to be witnessing.

Hesitant, you nodded and sat down in the armchair beside his bed.

"Dark? Are you okay?" You asked worriedly, running your hand through the demons hair.

Dark sighed in content and a animalistic rumbling noise erupted from his chest. He was... purring?

"I don't know... You were probably right.. I'm just tired." He said leaning into your touch as you kept combing through his jet black locks.

Soon enough, he fell asleep. Calm breathing and light snores filled the room.

You started to get up til you heard a mumble come from Dark.

"No... sleep with me..." His ebony eyes were half-lidded so he could look at you just a little bit.

Your face was a bright red as you looked at your outfit. Not very pajama worthy, you thought.

It seemed as Dark knew what you were thinking since he had said, "Look in my closet. I'm sure you'll find something other than your regular clothes."

You nodded and went into his walk-in wardrobe and shut the door.

You flipped the light switch and found a black, baggy, long-sleeve and some grey shorts.

After you changed, you walked out and got into bed beside Dark.

Immediately, he pulled you close to him and was now snuggled into your chest.

You were incredibly shocked.

The Darkiplier was cuddling with you. Either the world is ending or hell is freezing over.

You sighed and continued on with playing with his hair. Your other hand was rubbing his back.

Dark smiled and hugged you tighter, obviously not to hurt you but just to let you know he wasn't going to let you leave any time soon.

"Thank you.. just.. please don't tell the others about this..." He said as you shushed him gently.

"You're welcome, Dark. And don't worry, this is just between you and me..." You spoke quietly.

And then, in each other's arms, the both of you fell asleep happily.

From now on, every night was like this.

Dark was most definitely not touch-starved anymore. And you made sure of that.

< End >

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