- A Wolf? -

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2nd Person POV

You were just about to go on a midnight stroll before your boyfriend, Wilford, had stopped you.

"Where are you heading off to at such a late hour, dear?" He asked curiously as you zipped up your jacket.

"Hm? Oh I just wanted to go on a little stroll through the park. Don't be worried I won't be long." You answered with a smile as Wilford looked a little skeptical but let you go anyway.

"Be safe, gumdrop!" He yelled to you like a caring mother making you laugh a bit.

"I will, mom!" You jokingly said as you walked out of the house and toward the sidewalk that led to the park.

As you walked, you smiled at how pretty the park really was at night.

The sky was lit with the moons glow, the street lights illuminating the walkway, and couples walking about happily with their pets.

Unfortunately, you were so caught up in looking at how pretty the park was that you didn't realize you had made a wrong turn and ended up in the middle of the trees.

You gulped and kept walking, trying to find your way back.

But to no avail, you were definitely lost.

You whimpered and looked around for any sign, label, anything to get you out of the darkness that surrounded you.

But then... there was a sound.

A chilling snap of a twig to be exact.

Flinching, you stepped back into a large tree trunk, noticing that something was in front of you.

A. Fucking. Wolf.

You screamed and ran as fast as your legs could take you. You didn't know where you were going, you just kept running and running and running.

Then, you tripped.

"AGH!" You yelped going face-first into a pile of leaves.

You winced, noticing a large gash on your arm. The tree branch beside you that you passed had sliced it open when you fell.

You sat up quickly, catching your breath as you pulled the leaves and sticks out of your hair.

The coat you had was torn from all the branches jutting out from the trees you and ran by. The cold was starting to get to you...

You shivered and frantically looked around for a hiding place, but you didn't have time. The wolf had already caught up to you.

Tears streamed down your face as you sat on the ground, backing up into a dead tree.

"P-Please.. j-just make it q-quick.." You mumbled quietly as you squeezed your tear-filled eyes shut.

The wolf padded toward you, gently nudging your arm with its muzzle.

You flinched once more making it flinch as well.

You opened your eyes and slowly turned your head to look at the wolf.

It was a dark brown and had tan-ish markings on its muzzle and paws.

But for some reason, it seemed... familiar... Though you didn't know why or how. It was just a wolf.


It's eyes were the most gorgeous amber color you had ever seen. It had little brown and golden speckles all in it too.

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