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Dear Readers,

How are you doing, my darlings? I hope you're all doing well and staying safe.

I've lately begun sharing my stories on a new platform called 'Dreame.'

Including 'Same but Different.' The chapters have been rewritten, and new chapters will be added. So don't miss out on those!

I'd be grateful if you could go over there, give me a follow, and show your support for the stories.

Thank you for all of the messages you've sent me about this story.

I'm very grateful to know that it's helping so many of you.

I'm thinking of doing a sequel to this. Please let me know which characters you think deserves a sequel if I decide to go ahead with it. 

Thanks a lot again! My username on Dreame is illyna16. 

Hope to see you there :)

Same But Different - GirlxGirl (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now