Chapter Four

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Finding you inside me

I sighed as I opened my eyes. I was laying my head down on the study table. The study light just shines bright on my face. I stretched my arms and remembered where I ended up falling asleep.

“The bed” I said alarmed.

How did I manage to get here?

Did I sleep here?

All these crazy questions kept running through my mind. I have to tell somebody, I realized.

But who? My mother, who I barely remember? The maid, whom I am awkward with?

As I reached for the door, my eyes caught a red light switched on at the corner of the room.

“Is that a camera?” I whispered to myself.

I took the chip out from the camera and plugged it to the laptop which was surprisingly on. “Sleep deprivation and memory loss” I read with my eyes wide on. “There is somebody else, there has to be” I thought. None of this made any sense. I clicked the mouse and went through the recent video. And I couldn’t believe what I saw.

My heart kept pounding hard. It was me who had installed the camera here. But then it wasn’t me. It wasn’t just memory loss. I was someone else, but how? I felt my hands tremble as I removed the chip and inserted it back to the camera. I looked at it for a while, and then cleared my throat.

“Hello. My name is … “I stopped for a while. I didn’t even know who I was. What if I wasn’t Yuri and the other person was.

“I am the other you” I said unsurely. “Do you have any idea, what is happening to me or you? Do you also not remember anything?” I continued. “Okay, this is stupid” I stopped recording.

This wasn’t even real, it can’t be. Maybe all this was just my imagination. Maybe my mind was playing tricks on me. I let out a long sigh and sat on my bed. Maybe Yuri was the one living this whole time. Maybe I didn’t lose my memory at all, because I had no memory to begin with. Maybe I’m just someone living inside Yuri’s head.

Next morning, I pretended that I was sick, and since I talked nicely to my mother, she let me off hook easily. I stayed in my bed and waited for something to happen. But nothing was happening except me feeling uneasy and strange about the entire situation. Since it was taking longer than I expected, I made up my mind to take a hot shower. Just as the warm water poured against my bare body, I began to relax and forget about feeling uneasy or strange. I closed my eyes just for a second.


 “It happened again!” Yuri’s voice yelled through the sound of water splashing against her skin.

She was in the shower this time. “What is happening?” she thought again.

She grabbed a towel and got out from her bathroom. She took the camera chip out and inserted it into her laptop. She watched the clip carefully not realizing she was holding her breath through the entire clip.

She WAS someone else.

Someone else was in her body.

Was she possessed?

Will she ever be okay?

She took her cellphone and dialed her mother’s number. She waited patiently until she answered.

“Mother, I have someone else living inside my body” Yuri squeaked. Yuri’s mother didn’t sound so pleased.

“Yuri, I am with a client. Could you stop with the tricks to seek attention?”

But she wasn’t joking this time. This time it was serious.

“Please believe me” she cried to herself after her mother had hung up the phone. 

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