Chapter Thirty Five

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You're all that matters

“So what happened after I left?” Belle looked at her feet as she stretched out her legs. She was sitting on my bed.

I thought hard about her question, when actually the question should be what didn’t happen after she left. There were so many things that occurred, for one,

1) Yuri’s father’s appearance

2) Yuri and Jason going back to being best friends

3) Whitney

4) Yuri finding out she’s a lesbian

5) Riley

6) Jason finding out about me

7) Me finding out about Yuri being a lesbian.

8) Yuri falling for me

A lot has happened after Belle left. A lot.

“Nothing much” I gulped as I lied.

“Jason said he knows about you two. When did that happen?” She chuckled a bit nervously as she asked. Her curiosity was unavoidable, but I couldn’t just sit there and lie through my teeth. But ironically that’s exactly what I did.

“He just found out. There came a situation where I had to tell him” I tried to speak half-truths.

“Oh I see, so Yuri and Jason are back together?”

No, because she’s a lesbian now and her first crush seemed to be towards me.

“No, they’re just friends” I murmured quietly. I can’t tell Belle everything, I knew how worked up she gets because of both of us, so it’s better for now to just shut up.

“So how was Paris?” I changed the subject casually.

“It’s such a romantic city, I thought about you every day, I wanted you there with me” She replied sadly. Her eyes pierced through me. I could feel myself sinking into her.

“Your pictures say otherwise” I muttered slowly.

“That’s my cousin Kimberly you know. I like the fact that you get jealous of my relatives” Belle laughed. I stared at her all confused and embarrassed, it seemed like I was here getting upset over nothing.

“Why didn’t you call? Or text? Or email me?”

“I didn’t think you’d want me to”

“Of course, I’d want you to” I stressed the words that came out from my lips. Belle was back and I didn’t know what to do or what to say. Every question she asked, I kept thinking about if Yuri would want me to tell her, or what Yuri would think.

Belle stared back at me, she knew something was bothering me but she doesn’t ask, instead she leans forward. It was almost as if time had stopped and I became deaf because I couldn’t hear anything else, expect feel the beat of my heart rise. Her lips had almost met mine when Mrs. Williams called out.

“Yuri, lights out now. It’s late”

Belle pulled away quickly and so did I.

“I should get back to the room” Belle whispered standing up to her feet.


“Let’s go out tomorrow night, be ready at 8 okay?” I wasn’t sure if she asked me or just told me. I nodded. Belle walked towards to door to leave but stopped.

“It’s a date” Words echoed the room.

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