Chapter Twenty Five

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The Two Minute Speech

“High School is basically the worst possible place on earth. Rarely some students focus on their studies here, the rest of them just whisper, gossip, make out, make up, breakup and most of all end up falling in love. High School makes you realize what kind of a person you may think you are but you actually don’t end up being that person in the end. High School is a place where the nerds are mocked, the jocks are popular and the biggest worry about your life is what you should wear at the prom. High School builds you, but also breaks you. High School sucks”

“Okay, Tim. That was an interesting two minute truth about High School. Who’s next?” Mrs. Haynes remarked.

 The whole class was quite astonished by Tim’s speech. I stared at Tim who sat behind me with a frown on his face. Though everything what he had said was the ugly truth, I couldn’t shake off the glares exchanged between the other students and Tim.

“Whitney, you’re next” Mrs. Haynes called.

 Being in the class felt different as today was the first day I came back to school after the whole Yuri’s dad outburst thing. I felt the stares given by literally everybody at the school. They knew about the perfect Yuri having an imperfect father. Which made me happy being Yuri’s shadow for the day. I promised myself I won’t let her go through any tough time, and since I screwed up pretty bad the last time, I had to bear with my consequences and that would be the hideous whispers and the stares.

“Okay let’s see what I picked” Whitney led up a piece of paper and opened it as the whole class watched. Whitney had been giving me weird stares for a while now. “Does she suspect something?” I thought bitterly biting my tongue.

“Guilt” Whitney blurted out. Good thing I was biting my tongue because I would have laughed out louder than the others in the class.

“Shhh. Go on Whitney” Mrs. Haynes said holding her pen steady.

“Err yeah okay. Guilt is a feeling I rarely feel. Does it make me a bad person? I am not so sure but guilt is a feeling for the people in the wrong. Guilt eats you up until you finally blurt out the truth. Guilt is the key to a person finding what they are looking for. It could be answers, a partner, and maybe uncertainty about your sexuality. Guilt sometimes makes you change directions. I believe it gives you just the little push that you actually need. There are all kinds of guilt, the guilt of hiding the truth, cheating on your boyfriend, or maybe guilt of a straight girl going through a lesbian phase. Either way when the guilt finally does go away then the truth comes to the surface”

Whitney’s eyes were locked onto me during her entire speech. She had this evil smile on her face that I wanted to wipe after punching her on that hideous face.

“Thank you Whitney that was some words you tossed around in there but I promised to keep an open mind with everyone here. Up next is Phillip” Mrs. Haynes sighed.

I glared at Whitney. If she wanted to mess with Yuri, she should know she’d be dealing with me first. As long as I am around, I won’t let a fly hurt Yuri. She is my first priority, that was the reason why I decided to try to forget about Belle for a while and focus on Yuri who has been neglected at her most crucial time of her life and I don’t want to repeat that mistake again. Whitney stared back at me.

Does she know?” My mind began questioning. Of course she must have felt the difference between Yuri and me in that closet. But even if she had questions, I am sure that the first question she would ask herself isn’t going to be if Yuri had an alter. She doesn’t know, does she?

“Yuri!” Mrs. Haynes voice boomed across the classroom. I had myself occupied in own my thoughts that I forgot my name in this classroom was Yuri, not Sasha.

I gulped as I made my way in front of the classroom. I wished I could switch into Yuri and make her do this speech but I couldn’t clearly do that. I made a promise to myself and I am fulfilling it proudly. My hands brushed against the pieces of papers finally deciding my pick I pulled out the piece of paper and announced what I had gotten.

“Goodbyes” I paused and stared at the paper. My fluttered heart screamed by her remembrance.


  She was all I could think about. I replayed that night in my mind. I couldn’t even say goodbye, I wasn’t ready to say goodbye. Belle’s voice floods my mind, I remember tears flowing down her beautiful eyes and only wishing I loved her the way she loved me. When she left, it broke my heart in a way I don’t think it could ever be fixed. I cleared away my thoughts quickly and tried my best to end this two minute speech without thinking about Belle.

“Hello’s are always nice and warm. You meet someone and find yourself care for that person. Introduction is done, connection is there and interaction seems perfectly okay but then comes separation. You part with that person for some unknown reason. Goodbyes are the many things in life that one has to face and it is one of the hardest things to do. One minute they are there and the other minute they are just gone. Goodbyes don’t mean it’s over, it just means that we might just have to hold on a bit until we get things straight. I wish I said my goodbyes, but the truth is I don’t want to. I don’t want to let go, I still want to hold on.”

“Time up Yuri, you sort of drifted back there, but never mind. I think I’ve been open minded enough for today. Let’s pick this up again next week” Mrs. Haynes interrupted me.

I realized I had just finished my two minute speech thinking only about Belle. The stares were increasing now.

You stupid idiot!” I hear Yuri’s voice in my head.


 I marched my way out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang. I could barely walk outside until I was stopped by Jason. I was too occupied today to even recognize him in the class; my acting skills are getting poorer by the minute.

“Hey Jason, what’s up?” I smiled at him curling my hair being all girly.

“Hey, are you okay?” He asked rubbing his fingers on my shoulder.

“Hmm, totally fine. What’s up?” I asked him again.

“Okay I am just going to go straight ahead and say it. Your speech kind of shocked me”

Shit. Does he know? Does he know about Belle? Does he know about me? Did Yuri tell him everything?

“Why did it shock you?” I asked like an idiot.

“This is why you can’t move on? This is why you won’t let yourself believe it.” His words clearly confused me. I knew this was one of those moments when I knew I should immediately switch back to Yuri but I didn’t. Because Jason’s expression was nothing but filled with sincerity and concern, some of the qualities I had never seen in him.

“You can’t move on because of me. You still haven’t said your goodbye to me yet. I know it’s hard and trust me you know how much I care about you. I need you to know how sorry I am for making you feel that way. We need to have a clean break Yuri. I need you to know that I’ll always be there for you. But you have to let me go for you to move forward”

My eyes grew wide; I just realized what I had done.

Shit. I did not see that coming, like ever. I had buried myself in my own mess that I completely forgot that I was not Sasha missing Belle in that speech, I was Yuri missing Jason. I had mixed up my love life into Yuri’s and I have to fix it before Yuri finds out.

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