Mel x Enemy Princess Reader

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A/n: this is when Mel was in Narxious. I think that's how you spell it. You and your friend were enemy princesses to Mel's kingdom.

The friend I'm talking about looks like this, you could say you 2 are engaged:

The friend I'm talking about looks like this, you could say you 2 are engaged:

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Trigger: angst, blood, panic attacks.

-Y/n's POV-

"What should we do with these 2" the woman says as the guards walk us in some building.

I look up almost sniffling, praying neither of us got killed. I look at my fiancé as she also looks at me then forward. I look up and see a woman and I'm guessing her daughter.

Her face softens when we look at each other, I could tell the child was the same age as me and my fiancé, she was different somehow. She didn't have this urge to kill us.

We are all from different Kingdoms, we should despise each other, especially her. But she seemed, kind and merciful.

"They won't make trouble for us" I hear the girl whisper to her mom. "Strip them of their possessions and send them to the far colonies" the princess says.

Her mom walks up to me and my fiancé "they are symbols of the old regime" the woman grabs my face.

"Kill one of them now, only one must die" the woman says letting go of my face.

Tears streamed down my face like small streams , I would do anything to make sure my fiancé was safe. "Let both of them live you may need to kill thousands." She says glaring at me.

"We can show both of their people we that we are merciful" the little girl calls out in a calm way.

The woman pauses and looks away from us, the guards push me to the ground as the woman swing her blade.

I look at the ground shocked, shaking, when I turn around I see my fiancé's head on the floor and her lifeless body in a pool of her blood.

"A wolf has no mercy"

Her guards walk away "No no no no no no no" I crawl to my fiancé's body. I hold onto her head crying "Please please please don't leave me" I whisper.

Everything around me starts glitching, whispers because louder than before, I hold onto my head crying and groaning.

"I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to" I repeat breathing in sharply tears falling from my face.

I feel someone's hand touch my back. I snap out of it gasping a little, I smack the hand away crawling away in fear.

"No no no wait, I promise I won't hurt you" The girl from before says walking to me slowly. "Listen to her" the woman says, I crawl away a little more shaking in fear.

She walks to me bending down "I'm so sorry for what my mother did, I have no words or anyway to show how much I'm sorry." The girl whispers in my ear.

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