Sevika x Silco's Daughter pt 3

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(Y/n's POV)

I cried on the floor, hurt, betrayed that my father and Sevika would just throw me to the curb like that..

Just for Jinx.. but... what about me?

I woke up to a enforcer grabbing my arm and throwing me into a wagon. Oh! So he wanna to throw me around? That's okay.

"Why are you smiling prisoner?" One of the guards ask me, I bite my lips while slouching.

We sit there in silence for a minute....


The guards jump as they see the pretty fireworks from the prison. "Beautiful isn't it" I comment while giggling. I then take the handcuffs off while laying my head on one of the guards lap.

"Where are we going, and what's the plan?" I ask. "You're to destroy piltover from the inside out." One of them say. "Meaning you will be acting helpless in front of Mel."

I groan while sitting up. So boring!!!

-hours later-

I get pushed into a room with my innocent face looking at everyone. "Y/n?" Vi walks up to me, and hugs me. "You know this criminal?" Jayce asks.

"She is no criminal, she's our spy" Caitlyn says as I hug VI's waist. My face buried into her shoulder.

"Guards leave" Mel announces. I look at them with a slight smirk. "This spy may be from Zaun and the Daughter of Silco, we can trust her, the reasons why is because she is the one who warned us about what Silco is planning to do with shimmer" Caitlyn explains.

"What happened to you?" Vi asks "She threw me away... they both did" I mumble trying not to cry. Vi then hug me tightly.

"Step forward Y/n" Mel demands as I let go of Vi, walking in the middle of the room. "I may be a criminal's daughter but I believe in peace, the thing is about you spoiled brats up here? You have everything at your fingertips, in a a snap of a finger? You get anything you want" I explain more.

"With Zaun, we have to scrape together coins, we have to learn how to fight before we even know what it means. Down there it's fight to survive, kill or be killed" I say while looking at Jayce.

"And you! I remember you, you're the same reason why my mother was casted out of Piltover." I lean on the table.

"But we aren't going to talk about it now are we?" I say while walking away. "Put me in jail if you want, but don't come crying to me if silco's goons destroy this city, don't the inside out" I comment while walking to the door. "WAIT!" I stop at the door. "Yes Sir Jayce" I coo.

"Can you at least tell us who made these" he pulls up a bomb that is Jinx's "well- it's-!" "My sister's" Vi interrupts my sentence.

I wait outside the door as they make their decision....

Vi busts open the door, while grabbing my wrist "legs go" is all she said, "Wait VI!" I raise my voice a bit. "They don't want to help us, we'll do it our selves" Vi says while pulling me outside.

"VI WAIT, WAIT" Caitlyn runs outside, I try to slow Vi down a bit "Where are you guys going" "I don't know, back where we came from, seems what the people up here want"

"We can fix this- I can help!" "No you can't Caitlyn, I was so stupid to think that things could change"

"Vi you may be a lot of things but you aren't stupid." "Cupcake stay out of this" she pulls me behind her.

"There's oil and water, top and bottom, that's ALL there is" Vi blurts out while holding my hand.

"But-!" "I got this Y/n" Vi interrupts me. "Vi- what.. what about us!" Caitlyn asks almost about to cry. "Oil and water it-... it wasn't meant to be" Vi says while turning around. I snatch my hand away.

"You're just saying that" I say  while walking to Caitlyn. "Listen Caity go back to that big shiny home and just... forget me.. okay?" Vi puts her hood over her head.

"Wait! Vi!" I call for her and she stops, "Are you with me cupcake? Or not.." I look over to Caitlyn and hug her tightly.

"Just stay safe and-!" I look up to see Jinx in Caitlyn's room. "Watch your back at all times, okay?" I say while putting my forehead on hers. Caitlyn lets her tears run down her cheek as she cups my face.

"Keep her safe" is all she says as I nod and run to Vi. We both walk for a while but she turns to go to Jayce's workshop.

"Vi! Wait! what the hell was that? She could've helped us" "exactly which is why I'm trying to keep her out of more danger then she already is" vi explains.

"Which I'm trying to do for you too," I stand there confused "What?" I ask "I was furious when Sevika just gave you off to the topside, I still am, I want to protect you Cupcake that's all I want to do" Vi cups my face. "Vi- I- no I can't, I-!" "Why cupcake" "Vi I don't deserve you" I mumble as our lips are centimeters apart.

"Yes, you do Y/n" "what if you push me away like you did Cailtyn?" I mumbles to her, "we are both-!" "Oil and water, I'm the oil and you're the water" I mumble while looking down. "I'll sink to the bottom, while you have to carry me, I'm dead weight" I state while looking at the grand.

Vi tangles her fingers in my hair and places her lips on mine.

Am I-

Kissing Vi?!

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