Assassin Jinx x Hitman reader pt2

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(Y/N's POV)

I get out the bathroom and head to the kitchen, I look in the fridge for something to make.

I get a pot and put 2 eggs, also water. I put it in the stove to let it boil and then I get some left over jambalaya.

(If you don't know what jambalaya is here's a picture reference)

"Are you allergic to anything" I ask Jinx, "No? Why do you ask?" She asks curiously

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"Are you allergic to anything" I ask Jinx, "No? Why do you ask?" She asks curiously.

"Well I can't feed you something you can't eat" I look back at her half way chuckling. I takes the boiled eggs off the eat while putting our food in the microwave.

I get a text on my phone.. oh speak of the devil. "Mommy-!" I gasp quietly while looking back. Jinx does the same..

"Who are these cuties-!" I go to the drawer with knives while watching Jinx's every move.

"Those are my two kids.. they are both 8" I say a bit slowly as jinx approaches them. She kneels down to their height and asks them "Hey cuties, what are you guy's names?"

"Cameron.." he mumbles "I'm Amaya.." she mumbles. "Hm?" Jinx pretends she didn't hear them.

"Sorry I couldn't hear ya!" She picks one of them up and fake nibbles on their face.. instead of me feeling like the protective mom I'm always am..

I feel like my heart was melting. When I heard Cameron and Amaya laughing and talking Jinx.

That moment was the best I've ever experienced. Hmm I take my phone out and record.

"Y/n! Help meee!!" She giggles out. I giggled and everyone stopped and stared at me. "What?" I ask.

They fell silent..

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask, "we haven't heard you giggle in a long time mama" Cameron finally broke the silence.

"I never heard her laugh" Jinx shrugged "It's been a while, I forgot you could laugh" Amaya comments.

I scoff, "YALL are being dramatic" I say while rolling my eyes, they look at eachother and then look at me.

"I have the police in speed dial if y'all even think about touching me" I say as they get up and run after me.

I fake scream while running around the house. I hold onto my phone which is still recording, "BROO THE CRAZY JUMPED OUT!" I yell while going to my room and closing the door.

"Mommy come PLAY!" They giggle while trying to open the door "Y'all crazy!" I try to keep the door closed but they open it anyway.

I fake yell as they try beat me up. "JINX!" I yell as she lays down on me.

"OKAY! Okay!" I laugh out as I push everyone off. I sigh while sitting up, "why are you both out of bed anyways? It's past your bed time" I ask Cameron and Amaya.

"We heard something in the kitchen and we brought a bat with us just in case" they explained.

"Damn" Jinx laughs a bit "What was you gonna do with the bat?" Jinx asks.

"Kill them!" Cameron says in a sassy tone "Jeez" Jinx comments. "That's my boy" I fist bump him and get up.

"Now y'all go to bed, for real this time" I say nudging them out of my room.

They go to their room and close their door. I leave my door cracked as I lay down on my bed.

"There are blankets and pillows in the living room" I say but Jinx lays in the bed with me.

Jinx gets on top of me while staring down at me. "Jinx we promised it was a one time thing" I say while looking up at her.

She leans down to my lips which are now centimeters away from hers. "Did you want it to be a one time thing toots? Hm?"she hummed as her lips pressed against mine.

Jinx cups my face as my hands caress up and down from her waist down to her thighs.

I sit up while pulling her waist closer to mine. She pulls away while smirking.

She sigh as I roll my eyes, she lays me down and starts kissing my neck. "How about we finish this another time Hm? Tomorrow will be all about you, since it's gonna be your day off." Jinx looks up at me.

My face starts to heat up as she lays down next to me. "Shut up" I throw a pillow as her and I lay my face down. Hugging it as the pillow cooled me down.

~Next Morning~

I wake up to the sound of laughter from the living room, my eyes slowly open as I look to my side.. thinking Jinx is playing with the kids..

Turns out she's still sleep. My eyes widen as I get my gun from my dresser and walk slowly toward the living room. I peek around the corner as I see Cameron and Amaya playing with someone.

"Mommy!" "Momma" both of my children run to me and hug my waist. "We have kids now?" A feminine voice asks.

I click the gun just to make sure it wasn't an enemy.. "Hey Mom" Sugar comes out of the room and comes over to hug me.

"Who is this?" I ask the person gets up and smirks...

"Vi?" I ask, "I thought you left earlier" sugar says, "Mm I wanted to stick around to see what you guys had planned" Vi says while wrapping an arm around Sugar's shoulders.

"We were going to just walk around town square" I glare at Vi. "Hm" Vi shrugs.

Jinx comes in through the window like she wasn't in my room, "Hey Sweet Cheeks" Jinx coos. "Who wants to have fun today" She asks as the kids starts laughing and runs up to her.

"Powder?" She asks me, I shrug "Hey Miss Powder" Sugar waves. "Sugar! How are ya toots" Jinx walks out to sugar and hugs her.

"Vi" Jinx says unimpressed, "What's with that attitude, haven't seen you in a long while, didn't bother to call?" Vi asks slickly.

"I'll start calling you when you actually care about me" Jinx says sarcastically. "Kids go get dressed"

"You too sugar" I mumble so at least she could hear that it's going to be a long day..

"I'm begging you two, just for today. Try to get along. Please" I say while kissing Jinx's cheek and walking to my room.

This is gonna be really awkward

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