Prince Ekko x Warrior Princess Reader

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Y/n's POV

I was arranged to another prince.
My parents has been trying to set me up with a prince for ages now... but I guess
I'll stroll around the village and see what it's like.

The village is kind a cute but so many sick and unfortunate, I put my disguise on.
Keeping my face covered with a scarf and a hood.

I walk over to the kids that wanted food, I take a loaf of bread off the cart and give it to them. They smile happily and walk away happily with it..

"HEY!" A man grabs my arm
"are you gonna pay for that?!"
He yells causing a scene
"Well not now but I promise I can pay-!"
He pulls out a sword
"You're gonna pay me back whether-!"

The guards break us up and i end up going to the palace.... So much for keeping on the low
"Prince Ekko" the guards open the throne room
"What's the matter?" Ekko asks
They throw me to the ground

"Hey! Careful" Ekko says as he walks up to me, "Reveal yourself" he demands
I take off my scarf and my hood
The room fills with gasps and slight whispers

"I apologize deeply my Prince but I promise to pay you back in anyway possible-!"
He cuts me off putting his hands on my shoulder

"What for Princess? Besides I'll pay the man when I'm in town tomorrow, they didn't hurt you did they?" He ask me slight worried.

"Oh no he didn't, I'm fine..." I wave my hand
"So what is a warrior princess like you doing here? I mean I was gonna see you later"
He asked slightly confused.

"Wanted to see what your village is like... but I see some of your people aren't The friendliest"
I comment

"Some are some not... I just want what's best for them , ya know?" He asks
"I understand" I pull a slight smile.

"I don't know if you brought clothes but, maybe you could freshen up and join me for supper later if that's okay with you?"
He asks so politely and respectfully

"Yeah sure" I bow my head but he stops me
"No need to bow, in this relationship I see us as equal okay? No need to be so formal"
He says patting my shoulders

I nod my head and smile
"Thank you Prince Ekko"

"Please, Just call me Ekko"


Sorry guys I've been lazy and doing work ya know trynna pass these exams and shit, I love y'all and next up we have Caitlyn and Sevika

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