Chapter 13: Closing and Opening (Part 3)

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"In here," the Captain led Kyle to a small room just within the border of the Hero's Guard compound and not far at all from the temple grounds. "Take your time and while I don't need to tell you, please keep certain things secret."

"Yes Captain," Kyle nodded before entering into the room. Unlike some of the private rooms within the Hero's Guard the décor and atmosphere were pleasant. A window let in natural light brightening most the room and offered a small view of a nearby garden. The furnishing was finely crafted with several soft pillowed chairs and a coffee table.

As soon as he entered the two occupants looked at him, one with a warm smile and the other with a slight curl to his lips.

"Kyle you're really okay!" Marisha stood from her seat and welcomed him.

"Marisha, Sebastian," Kyle smiled to them. He looked Marisha up and down, "It looks like they made sure to look after you as well."

The girl's smile weakened, "Yes they were very attentive but other than making me answer some questions, they wouldn't tell me anything. After you collapsed I thought you might have died. I've never seen someone so injured and keep moving."

"I was just doing what I could."

Sebastian nodded, "Indeed you were Master Kyle and for that I thank you wholeheartedly for protecting the lady." He pointed to the wall where a basket laid waiting, "I tried to have it delivered sooner but I was told to wait."

Kyle clapped his hands having almost forgot, "Is everything still in there?"

The butler nodded, "Everything is just as when you gave it to me. Thankfully you had nothing that wouldn't stand a few days in the open."

"Thank you," he laughed and picked up the basket letting his eyes pass over the collection of accessories within. He could finally give Kara, Mitsu and Himila their gifts.

Marisha awkwardly stood beside him, "Umm Kyle I know you told me before but I thought I'd just ask one more time. You're not coming back with us are you?"

It didn't take long for Kyle to reply, "No I'm not."

She laughed dryly, "I can see why. You've changed more than I ever thought was possible. Who knew our delicate village baker could turn out to be so strong."

"I still have a long way to go," Kyle replied softly.

"Maybe, but don't forget about us okay?" Marisha smiled again.

"I'd never dare to." After a moment of silence he continued, "So what are your plans now?"

Sebastian answered, "The lady and I will return to Tomph. There is no longer a reason to stay and the lady has insisted that she get back to her 'duties'."


"Don't sound so surprised," Marisha huffed. "I've been studying a long time to take over from my father. I'll make sure to make Tomph an even better place than before you left."

"And here I thought you were just the village princess," he chuckled.

"Looks like we were both wrong," she sighed and looked at him tenderly. "Do you think I would have had a chance if I was more honest?"

Kyle tilted his head, "A chance for what?"

"For this," without any more warning Marisha leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead. Kyle was frozen unable to react, causing her to giggle, "I was tempted to take your lips but I'll leave that for her. She's pretty by the way."

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