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The best thing about being in an archeologist team, is the amount of alcohol they drink on the daily.

For example, they celebrate every single little find, with at least 7 bottles of alcohol.

It doesn't necessarily have to be beer, it could be anything. Vodka. Whiskey. Shit even some things you never heard of.

Funny thing about drunk people, they tell you shit they wouldn't tell you when they're sober.

It was most likely some dumb stuff that isn't really necessary.

But with this situation, you could ask them anything, and they'd tell you. Probably not the best thing to get information out of people. Either way, it's a great way.

You grabbed the last bottle of beer and sat down at the fireplace.

Wilbur took out a guitar a while ago and started singing the songs he wrote.

It was actually kinda cute. But not to be distracted, he was not that good, since he was drunk. You bet a thousand bucks, he's better when he's sober.

You were so damn in love with the man, you couldn't even explain. It was genuinely painful.

He was absolutely beautiful, but you can't say he is, because he's most likely out for your large intestine.

You'd rather keep something like this for yourself. Especially with sceptic eyes everywhere in this campsite.

Not talking about Clay or Niki, more like Phil. He looked like the kind of guy to absolutely judge you, cause he knows all your sins. You didn't worry much about the younger people, like Tommy and Toby. They looked like they didn't know how to use a water dispenser even if it had clear instructions on it.

And you would judge yourself for it as well. It isn't something you do on the usual, especially since you got in jail for it many times before.

Plus, you kill them anyways and it genuinely isn't worth the trouble.

Wilbur suddenly stopped playing, and looked in a direction for a second before everyone else did.

A strange car was approaching, in a strangely fast pace. You stood up, keeping your eyes on the vehicle.

Everyone in your camp strangely stood silent as they watched the car get closer and closer to the camp. You understood that Clay was rather nervous, but the other group really didn't have to be so sweaty all of the sudden, if they aren't up to something.

"Who's rather sober?" Phil asked. Weird question to ask.

"I am." You said.

"Cool, you talk with the guy." Phil said. You quickly focused on the car, seeing that it was indeed a cop car.

Now you started panicking, he can't really do much, since it's the middle of the night, and you definitely don't have literal boxes of guns in your trunk. You have absolutely nothing to hide.

The car now was slowing down, and stopped in front of the camp.

The cop got out. Wilbur stood up, and Clay came running to you as well.

As soon as Will walked past Phil, you heard him whisper, not so quietly as he probably expected.

"If anything goes wrong, get my gun. We can't lose target." He said. Phil nodded and there, it was confirmed by the man himself, that he was out to make you into a pasta strainer. And if not you, then Clay, or maybe even Nick. Who knows.

But one thing for sure, one of you were a target.

"Good evening officer." You said in Arabic.

"Keep formalities to yourself Mx. I speak English." He said. He had a deep voice, and you didn't see his face that well but you could easily tell he had glasses and brown hair. He not only sounded American, he also looked not so Arab. "I'm searching for Alex Calvin. He escaped jail and was said to be last seen around this area. Have any of you seen anything suspicious?"

"No.. nothing around here. It's empty in the desert most days." You said.

"Are you archeologists?" He asked.

"Yeah. We are. We were just having a drinking night to celebrate our finds." You said.

"Ah. Great. Well, do you mind if I look around the camp?" He asked. You looked at Wilbur, he tapped Phil's shoulder and Phil was off like he was never even here.

"Oh... Of course not!" You said.

"Great!" He said and with that he was off to look around. You were lucky you hid your car pretty far away from where he was, so you shouldn't worry too much.

But still, reflexes, you walked behind him, looking at every move he did. As soon as you were away from the fireplace, and in a darker place, he took out a flashlight, and looked around with it.

"How many people are here in this camp currently?" He asked.

"Ten." You said. The guy hummed and shined his light at your car. Your stomach tied into a tight knit as he went to walk up, but quickly changed his mind, walking back to the tents.

"What are you archeologists searching for?" He asked.

"The grave of Ramses VIII." You said.

"Awesome." He said. "What's your name?" He asked.

"Y/N L/N." You said calmly.

"I'm Alex. Just so we're equal." He said. He took a deep breath and looked around again. "Everything seems to be in order, if you see anything, call the police." He said.

"You got it man." You said.

"Good night for you Mx." Alex said. He walked off as everyone said goodbye to him.

You took a breath of relief and relaxed yourself for the first time in the last 10 minutes.

Not every day you almost get caught by the police when they're searching for your own dad. You sighed and started to walk back to the campfire.

The cop left as fast as he came, he was basically speeding away from the camp, quickly disappearing in the horizon line.

But, bright side of things, you know Wilbur is after you. Though that didn't help your attraction to him.

What could be worse? Basically nothing. It couldn't get any worse.

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