413 21 28

You slammed mission files on the table. Your team looked up and sat down in their spots.

It's been 5 months since Ash's death, and you've been having a field trip with all the missions coming in. Him being gone, had a big effect on the team. They were more bloodthirsty than before. They were merciless.

You thought them well.

You also changed the name of the task force from 141 to Vulture-326. Not the toughest name, but it was the best you could come up with. 326 was Ash's birthday. March 26th.

"Alright 326. This mission we are an extraction team." You said and slid the papers to the first person next to you.

"Our mission is to find, and bring home a sixteen year old girl called Priya Lee. There's a picture of her in the files. Her dad is a billionaire slash mafia leader, and he offered us six million dollars per person if we get his daughter back." You said.

"Alright, where do we start?" Jack asked.

"We start in Morocco. That's where she was last seen." You said. "We find two agents from this gang or whatever and get all the information out of them that we need."

"What if they don't talk?" Mark asked.

"They will. You know me." You said and smiled.

You really upped your game since you got the charge. You figured out a very effective way to get information out of people.

Maybe attacking their loved ones, or threatening to cut limbs off. Basically things you couldn't do under watch.

Since you changed the status of the task force, from part of Tinea ad flamma, to a gang working alongside Tinea ad flamma, James had very little authority over you. It was the best for all of you. You were still part of Tinea, but when you worked with V-326 you were not considered a part of the moth people.

"Tomorrow we meet here for suitup. Moth-1 will be helping us from the sky just as usual. No need for casualties from this team." You said.

"Is this Capture or kill?" Niki asked.

"Yeah, Go for their throats." You said. Mark and Joe high-fived.

"What else?" Andy asked.

"We know very little about this cartel or gang or whatever you wanna call it. Their weapons are outdated, but they're skilled. Nor skilled enough obviously." You said. "You see them, you shoot them. Except two, maybe two that are very close to eachother. We need information."

"Their Tactics?" Mark asked.

"We know nothing. But I know we'll have a great time murdering these motherfuckers." You said. "Have some rest y'all." You added and walked out.

On the hallway, Will was waiting for you.

"How'd it go?" He asked.

You hummed. "Good. They're ready. Six mil is a lot of money per person." You said.

Wilbur gave you a quick kiss and grabbed your hand and walked with you to the elevator. "It is." He said. "You'll be careful right?" He asked.

"Damn straight sweetheart." You said.

After this tragic event went down, Will started becoming way closer to you, he opened up to you more.

You helped him to work through that trauma he suffered in that war-type altercation, and he was doing way better mentally.

You were doing okay mentally, you got yourself together, and you were searching like hell for the cocksucker that shot Ash.

You were going to find him sooner or later. And he will have a slow painful death. Probably like the one Ash had to endure.

You were the reminder for this team, a reminder about Ash's death. He had a legacy, to keep this team running through thick and thin. And you weren't about to leave his legacy undone.

You were considered a huge part of this gang. They had you lead multiple units's missions, just because Ash chose you to lead his team. You didn't really know how big of an influence Ash had on this agency. He was here since James took over, and he earned his rightful place in it too.

Now it was your turn to have that influence. It was your turn to become that amazing person Ash was.

Nate would be so angry. He'd be boiling.

That reminds you, he is still alive. You wondered if he knew what was going on here.

You didn't care, you just wanted to rub it in his ugly-ass blondie man bimbo face, how wrong he was about you, and that he had absolutely no chance.

You walked out of the pub and sat at one of the tables outside with Will. He was still holding your hand.

He let go of your hand and put it up on the table, laying it flat, palm down.

"What are you doing?" You asked.

"Looking." He said.

"At my hand?" You asked.

"At the scars." He said. He traced his pointer finger on one of the scars on your hand. Then another you had running up from your wrist to the middle of your forearm. He then softly traced one that was next to it.

His hand was soft against your skin.

He turned your palm around and traced the only scar you had there too.

Then he took your other hand and did the same, with every little gun shot wound, scratch, stabbing incident, and papercut on your forearm and hand.

He stopped at one of the scars on your knuckle, and looked up at you with that beautiful, loving look.

He smiled and put his hand on your face, tracing the scars there too.

"They are beautiful." He said.

"My scars?"


"Why?" You asked.

"They all tell a different story. A story that you survived." He said.

"You're so corny." You said. "I love you for it. A lot." You said

You couldn't help but to smile. He was your everything. And at that moment he calmed you down. He was always there for you. Everything that happened to you, he was there every step of the way.

And so were you.

You loved this man with all your being.

You pulled him into a kiss, cupping his face.

He's your everything. You needed to protect him at all cost.

BIG PYRAMID MUGGING// Wilbur X readerWhere stories live. Discover now