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You met with Wilbur at the airport. He got there earlier since he had a mission somewhere in central India.

"What's up big guy?" You asked walking up to him.

"Nothing special." He said and gave you a quick kiss. "The office building that guy was talking about isn't far from the airport.

With the office building located, you only really needed to get the girl. And with Will here, you'll have an easier time.

Plan yet again, get the girl, kill everyone and get out before you explode into tiny pieces.

You needed to be really careful thought, you didn't want to get killed. All you knew is the number of the people inside the building, even that only approximately.

You knew if you attacked and you got reported, they'd set off the explosives, and you'd have a very limited time to get the girl and not die at the same time.

You didn't have knowledge of their tactics, weapons used, or number of ammo, not even the guy who's leading this shit.

All of you were nervous about this, the van was never so silent. Your head was ticking over the plan again and again, looking over possible outcomes.

This felt easy to do at first, but now that you thought about it, you realized it's not as easy as you thought.

So many things can go wrong, that included the girl dying, which was not something you wanted to risk. Whatever it takes, the girl comes out alive.

"Y'all are unusually quiet." Nick said.

"You haven't said anything either mate." Andrew said.

"This is a suicide mission." Niki said out of the blue.

"Why do you have to be so depressing all of the sudden?" Jack asked.

"It's true. We're running into our deaths at this point." Mark chimed in.

"Is the pessimism necessary?" Joe asked.

"Exactly!" Nick sounded really enthusiastic.

"We could get blown into tiny pieces, Nick. I don't know about you but I never dreamt of becoming confetti." You said.

The van pulled up to the house. You had to park further away so they don't see you easily. Wilbur opened door of the van and all of you got out. It was an empty field, with tall yellow grass, no trees around, a great place to do human trafficking.

"Vulture-01, this is dispatch, what's your status?" Dispatch said on the radio. It kinda scared the shit out of you.

"We just pulled up to the building, we're getting our thoughts together and the moving in." You said. "I bet you're having more fun than I am, dispatch."

"I wouldn't say otherwise, Vulture-01. Y'all be careful, Over and out."

"Roger that dispatch. Vulture-01 out."

You took a deep breath and looked over you team. Nick looked at you. "What do you say, Cap, we go kick their ass?"

"Yeah." You said. "Let's do that."

"On your lead captain." Wilbur said.

You nodded and hand signaled to the van to move out before they get seen. You then moved into position, gun up, slightly squatting to hide yourself in the grass, and started basically speed walking towards the house.

The office building was 4 floors. You needed to clear out the first floor as smoothly and as fast as possible. Everything was against you, so you needed to work fast.

You stopped at the door and waited until the others caught up to you. "Here's the plan." You whispered. "Joe, Nick, Andrew and Jack will clear the first floor, as Will, Niki, Mark and I, clear the second at the same time. When you guys are finished, you'll move straight up to the third, and we will to the fourth. Niki and I will get the girl out, the rest of you stay in and clear the building. When we dropped her off we'll move back in if needed." You said. "Don't get seen, silencers on, and don't set off the explosives, meaning no hand grenades."

Everyone nodded. You signaled to Wilbur. He slowly opened the door and moved in going straight left, you after him, then Niki and Mark, you headed straight to the stairs, as the others started clearing the first floor. You ran up and shot the first guy you saw, they had shit aim so this didn't seem to be that hard.

You shot a couple more nice looking fellows with horrible aims, and kept your streak of not being injured so far.

"Clear here cap!" Niki yelled.

"Here too!" Will called out too.

"Then we move up." You said and headed to the second flight of stairs. "Vulture-06 come in." You said over the radio.

"We're almost done here." Nick said.

"Copy that. Hurry up big man." You said and kept up the stairs, skipping level 3 and running straight up to 4. You shot like ten people before you got to the center room where the girl was apparently.

"Watcher-03, status." You asked.

"Clear on South wing. We're closing in on the middle room, going right to you sweetheart." Will said.

"Ew get a room you guys." Jack chimed in on the radio.

You stood in front of the room, holding guard until the others got there. A guy ran up to you, for some reason you hesitated to shoot for a second, but you did shoot him. You seemed to be too late, he pressed a red button that was in his hand, that was connected to a wire, that was too long to tell where it connected.

"Oh shit the C4s!" You yelled. "Vulture-326, the bomb has been detonated, move your asses, we have two minutes." You said and kicked the door in not wasting more time, you swiftly reloaded and shot everyone you saw. The girl was tied to a chair, you grabbed a knife from your belt and cut the rope.

You quickly got her up and started dragging her out the door. "Who are you?" She asked. "Let go of me!"

"Can you run?" You asked, as Niki ran up to you. She nodded. "Good then shut up and fucking run if you don't want to get blown into bits." You said and started sprinting down the hallway.

A couple people ran towards you with horrid intent but you shot them all without thinking.

You ran down the second flight of stairs, bumping into Nick and the others. Now there was a bunch of people in full gear and girl in a skirt, a horribly styled tank top and sketchers.

You ran down the last flight of stairs and down the longish hallway, straight outside. You pushed the girl further away from the building, the van pulled up just in time.

"Headcount, is everyone here?" You asked. Everyone looked around.

"Where's Mark?" Will asked.

"Aw shit." You looked around. "I'll go in."

"No, I will, you stay here!" Will said and ran in.

There was no way in hell you'll let him go in alone, remember your line, you needed to protect him at all cost, that meant running into a detonated building. 

You sprinted back inside screaming Will's name as loud as you could. You almost ran up to the first floor before you finally saw him bringing Mark down on his back. He put him down and you slipped under his left arm, both of you running towards the door, with mark hanging between you.

Out of Instinct, you pushed both of them out into the open,

just the second the building blew.

The last thing you remember is flying across the field, your ear ringing and then everything going black.

Everything that could go wrong, went wrong didn't it?

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