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It's been a while since the last mission.

Most of the team needed a long while to recover, especially Jack. He was still going through with physical therapy, learning how to walk again.

Nate was removed from the agency, and you personally couldn't care less about where he went.

Andy filed for a divorce finally, and hopefully he'll win and take everything away from that excuse for a man.

You yourself had a couple issues while recovering, like the fact that you forgot to change your bandages and one of your wounds got infected. That got taken care of though.

You sat down at the bar and took out your phone. Since 141 was taking a break, and you had no new gravesites to rob, you were quite bored.

Niki walked up to you and leaned on the counter looking at you. "Why are you here?"

"I'm bored as hell. I thought you liked my presence around." You said.

"No I do, you just rarely come up here before opening." Niki said and grabbed a cleaning cloth.

"What do you mean? I'm always here." You said turning your phone off.

"You're always with Will, it's obvious you two have a thing." Niki said.

"I know." You said. "Can you get me a water, pretty please?" You asked.

Niki looked up from her cleaning, raised one eyebrow and just looked at you for a second. "Just cause you said pretty please." She said and walked to the mini fridge taking out a water and sliding it to you.

She then continued cleaning off the countertop. She cleaned this counter like six times a day. Freaky.

You opened the water bottle and took a sip.

"...Hey is Y/N up here?" Someone asked from the background.

"Yeah, just over there." One of the guards answered. You looked behind you seeing Ranboo walk to you. It's not every day you see a 6'6 man basically running at you with unknown intent.

"What's up Ran?" You asked turning your full body to him.

"Boss wants to see you. He said it's not urgent, but hurry anyway." Ran said.

"Okay." Wonder what James wants. "Give me a minute." You said.

Ran nodded and just as fast as he appeared, he disappeared into the staff only room.

You put the water bottle down and grabbed your phone. "Niki," she looked up at you. "I'll be back, James wants something." You said.

"Okay!" She said and went back to her freakish cleaning.

You got out of the bar chair you were sitting in and also went into the only staff room. You walked down the couple steps of stairs, and headed for the elevator.

Luckily James's office was only a floor down, so you didn't have to go too far.

Strange, James only calls you in when there's something wrong or there's an emergency. Hopefully this wasn't an emergency.

You pressed the call button and waited. Thoughts just kept spinning around in your head. What could be wrong? Is there maybe something wrong with Jack?

As soon as the doors opened, you stepped in, pressed the button and you were on your way down.

This was fishy. Something was definitely wrong. James never calls you out of the blue. You knew there was a management meeting today, that's why Will was gone for the day, but other than that, what could be wrong?

The doors opened again, and you as quickly as possible, you headed down the hallway. James's office was at the very end of the hallway, to the right.

You passed all the other offices and stopped in front of James's.

You knocked on the door and a second later, opened it.

You were met by the whole management looking back at you.

You walked in and slowly closed the door behind you. "Damn." You said looking around. "Did I do something bad?"

"No." James simply answered.

"Okay, then why am I here?" You asked, walking closer to James's desk.

"We have an emergency situation. The threat level is high." Ash chimed in.

"One of our biggest units were asked by our teams in Scotland to help out with a forming warzone. We're talking cartel, terrorist groups, ex military etcetera." James said.

"We don't know who will survive." Will said.

"Since Ash is part of this unit, and he wants to keep 141 we have to choose a new captain, in case he dies in action." James said.

"Okay, so do I need to give a message to someone on the team or-"

"Y/n, I'm choosing you to be the new captain of 141, in case I do not come home." Ash interrupted.

"Sorry you're doing what now?" You asked.

Captain L/n. Doesn't sound too bad. But not the point, you'd be getting this role if Ash dies. You couldn't be happy about that.

"You heard me. You showed me that you are more than capable of leading. You're captain material." Ash said.

"But this doesn't mean you're planning on dying."

"No, of course not. I will try my best to stay alive." Ash said.

"Good. Cause I'm quite clueless without your fatherly guidance." You said.

"This mission is very risky. But we'll do our best to stay alive." Will said.

"You're going too?" You asked turning to Will.

He nodded.

"We needed all hands on deck from the unit." James said.

"Right." You hummed.

"When you are the captain of 141, you'll have the right to change the task force's name, members, and position in the agency. You will be in charge of which missions to take, and deny. Sorry you have to hear all that, it's policy."

"Y'all have weird policies." You said.

"Thank you for your time Y/N. You are free to go." James said.

"Thanks mate." You said, turned around and walked out.

You as captain.

Not something you would've imagined happening.

But now the thought of Ash and Will dying will haunt you until the day they're back.

A forming warzone in Scotland? Why did they have to order Will too? What if he doesn't come home.

What if his apartment will stand empty.

And you couldn't go along to protect him. You had to stay at home and wait it out. Wait out his death.

Or if Ash dies. You'll have to lead 141 all alone.

Now that scared you.

BIG PYRAMID MUGGING// Wilbur X readerWhere stories live. Discover now