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"So?" James asked. "What are you guys think about joining?" 

It was the day after, the boys woke up too and you were ready to answer that question. You had an answer to that, but you didn't know what the other two would say. You wanted to do whatever this was with them, so it would be preferable to have them with you. 

You had a long night of thinking this through, all the pros and cons had to be thought about very carefully. This was a life-changing thing after all. But in all conclusion, you had to say that it was a great thing. You agreed to it. 

"I'm joining that's for sure." You said. Clay looked at you with an impressed face and then he and Bill looked at each other. The setup of the question looked like you were in the principal's office, trying to explain why Bill bit someone and why the two of you went with it without telling someone. This happened to you and Clay in high school, but instead of Bill, it was some other guy you were friends with. 

Clay looked back at you and then at James. "Yeah, I'm in too." He said. 

"I don't know about me-" You and Clay both looked at Bill at the same time. "You know what? Never mind, I'm in." 

James clapped his hands and smiled weirdly. "Amazing! For now, you are all in the History department, I swear we'll come up with a better name for that, and when we're done here, we'll go back to London and get y'all into your desired departments. That good?" He asked.

"Good with me." You said, the boys agreed. 

"Alright, besties. Let's get hustling." He said and stood up and walked out, you three following him. "As you kindly opened the tomb already, we only needed to inspect the inside. The pharaoh was intact, but we found something interesting about the mummy itself. Wilbur, take it away." James said. 

"One of the arms of the pharaoh is crossed over the chest and the other is laid next the side of the body itself, and we don't know what it means. We also found the canopic jars but we found two sets instead of one. Also, the hieroglyphics talk more about cats and death than the actual mummy." He said.  "Opinions?"

"Well, the arm is a feminine thing. King's usually had both arms crossed over the chest meaning this one was probably a female leader." You said.

"But the name is male," James said. 

"Well ask the parents of the mummy to tell you why they named their kid Ramses, but I can't give you a reason." You said. 

"What about the plus set of jars?" Will asked. 

"Not sure. This could've been a tomb of multiple people, hence the missing Pyramid." You said. James lead you to the Xrays, then showed you a picture of the other set of canopic jars. 

The jars marked that it was the organs of an animal, very most likely a cat's. These types of canopic jars have the name of the person on them, here the hieroglyphic says that it was a cat or royal animal of some sort. 

"It's a cat's organs." You said casually. "You can see the hieroglyphic." 

James looked at the photo for a second then back at you then back at the photo again. "A Cat?" 

"Yes. It was most likely buried with the pharaoh after it died. Did any of you see a really big strange-shaped object in a small archway or standing in a corner?" You asked one of the Archeologists who was working on a 3D version of the tomb. 

"Yeah. We were told not to disturb it." He said and turned back t his computer. 

"There you have it." You said. 

James stood helplessly looking at you for a split second, then he started walking again, this time towards the tomb. "Hieroglyphics were translated, put into a system and we have a proper print of the writings on the wall. We need to stock-take everything and archive it all. The items we found, with the 3D copy that JJ is making, we have to put everything back as it was and only take three items with us for research. I think you and Wilbur will do a great job with that downstairs." James said handing you a clipboard with a spreadsheet. 

"Get to work my lovelies." He added. 

With that, he, Clay, and Bill moved on and you were left with counting duty. 

"Don't worry he won't always give you the dirty work," Will said and took the spreadsheet. "He likes to make newbies' life harder."

"Mind you that you're doing the dirty work with me?" You asked taking a flashlight and a mask from the nearby table and making your way to the tomb entrance. "You are also addressed as a newbie from now." 

"Well if I can be a newbie with you, I'm not complaining," Will said. 

"Bold." You said turning on your light. You walked down the long boring hallway like last time, but this time you were leading the way, and Will was the one who was staring at your back like a hawk. 

The last time you were here, the hallways didn't seem so small, maybe because last time you could barely see anything and you had Wilburs tallness to cover any type of light coming from his torch.

But maybe that wasn't the reason it was different, you knew what they were about now. You knew what they are and now you're even a part of them. You felt way closer to Will now than you ever did in this past week or so.

It felt great to be a part of something good. Well if you could call robbing very important graves good, then you were definitely on the right path.

You finally entered the tomb and set down the torch, since lamps were already on in there.

You looked around the room scanning the items that had to be written up.

The mummy looked scarily intact, the beads over the wrap looked like they've never moved since they day it was put on the body. Fascinating.

"I'm glad you chose to join." Will said. You turned around and looked at him.

"Yeah me too. And don't worry I am not planning on destroying the gang from the inside and then running away taking myself off the grid." You said.

"That was way too specific." Will laughed. "How many gold statues did you see?"

"Six. And seven of the silver ones." You said. Strangely enough this wasn't as bad as you thought it would be.

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