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Clever. Didn't expect that to happen. Certainly not in this scenario. You've been shot by many things in your lifetime, but sleeping darts weren't one of them.

You've never woken up with such a headache like this one was. It was like something was desperately trying to rip your head in half for shits and giggles.

You blinked twice trying to focus your vision. It seemed like you were in a tent now, not sure where, or when, or who even shot you. But one thing for sure, you were high out of your mind. If you didn't blink, the walls started to have weird circles on them.

You sat up looking around the tent, rubbing your eyes. The room was full of people, mostly armed guards and really important looking fellas with suits and ties.

A dude with a beard spotted you, and he waved everyone out of the tent. As soon as they were out you saw your team on the other side of the tent sleeping peacefully.

That's the quietest they'll be for a while after this. Out of the 50 people in the room, only Wilbur stayed with his gun, standing behind this guy like a bodyguard.

Your ear was ringing, and even if someone was talking to you, you didn't really hear or get, but suddenly, "Good morning sunshine." hit your ear drums making your mind loud with thoughts again.

"Hi?" You said questioning your whole existence. You sounded drunk, high and sleep deprived at the same time. Not your hottest moments. "Who are you?" You asked.

"James Marriott. Leader of Tinea ad flamma." He said smiling.

"You moth people are weird." You said. "Why are they asleep? I thought they got the same dose. Wait, how long was I out for?" You said pointing to your team out on the floor like little babies.

"A day and a half. And no actually. They got a bigger dose. I wanted to talk to you in private first." James smiled.

"Alright, I don't know who you are sir, but I am leaving." You said trying to get out. James snapped his fingers and a laser pointed at your chest, it was coming from Wilbur's sniper rifle. Little bitch. You stopped in your movement and sat back down.

"That won't be happening. Not yet." He said. "Do you know what Tinea ad flamma stands for?" He asked leaning forward on his knees.

"Yeah. Moth to flame." You said.

"Yes, literally translated, but as a metaphor?"

"Like... Leading people on?" You said rubbing your eye again.

"Exactly. We lead on murderers and horrible criminals to trust us, and when they have our trust, we back stab them. But sometimes we even like to hunt them down. It depends on how quirky we feel." He said.

You didn't really have anything to add to that, you simply had no idea how you even ended up on the floor, you couldn't tell the difference between your hands and your feet. " 'Kay, so is that what you're going to do with us? Kill us like useless insects?" You asked raising your voice.

You knew this would happen, you knew you'd be in huge trouble getting in touch with this gang. But there's no stopping now-

"No, why would we do that?" James said standing up. "You have skills, skills that not many do. We've been watching you for a while, not just you, your friends as well. You make a great team, and you could help us." He said.

"Why would I help you?" You asked. "I don't even know who you are!"

"You'd get great money out of it. Plus it's a once in a lifetime deal of I'd be honest." James said.

"Money... How much are we talking about?" You asked.

"Well it usually depends on the mission, but on the usual, three hundred grand." He said. Not bad. 300.000 dollars per day sound like damn good deal.

"Okay. But other than the money, what's in it for me?"

"How about this," He started. "I give you time to think about it, since you are still very under the effects of the sleeping dart, and tomorrow we meet here again, and you give us an answer." 

That didn't sound too horrible, you could get a deal out of it.

"Oh and that applies to your friends. Again, if you don't join us, no hard feelings." He said.

"Okay. You got yourself a deal. Tomorrow, here, at this time." You said getting up.

"Don't be late." James said. You nodded.

You walked out while stretching and cracking your back.

You walked out of the tent and took a fresh breath of the late afternoon air. It was in fact a day later, there were armed guards everywhere, people rushing in and out of the tomb, scientist looking people taking artifacts.

Looks like an anthill.

It's strange, honestly you wouldn't expect them to ask you to join them. Doesn't sound like something you want to do. But  it could be a great deal if you do agree.

The money is a great deal, and you wouldn't have to make your name any more bloody with killing innocent people. And you'd be closer to Wilbur. That if he forgives you.

You wouldn't have known, and you were doing something you always do. But it still felt kinda out of place to do that for some reason. They were going to shoot you with the dart anyway, you were just kinda in their way to do that with the whole shooting thing.

Whatever this was, it was a great deal. 300 grand for a days work is only something a madman would do, and it sounded absolutely amazing.

Plus you'd be doing something you love. And it wasn't a mafia, which your father wouldn't have approved of. Mafia's sound weird in general.

They always make it sound hot and attractive, but in true honesty, if you married a mafia leader, your life simply would be hell.

And who likes mafia's. They're always in the way of everything, you took down a couple before, they were all pathetically weak in many departments.

You looked around one last time before making your way up to the sandhills you last talked to Wilbur to. It was a pretty nice sandhill, great to think on.

Especially with things like this.

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