June's Line

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Cody zips the back of my dress as we're about to leave for Corey's house. He's throwing a small New Year's party. I fix the shoulder strap before walking away from him to finish my hair, "Thank you," I tell him.

I fix a few curls that framed my face before turning the curling iron off. I find my heels and put those on before heading to the kitchen.



I grab the food I made from the fridge and go out to his car and put it in the back. We get into the car and he drives us to Corey's place. It's not far from mine or Cody's. Perfectly in the middle of the two.

"How long do you want to stay?"

"Doesn't matter to me. Whenever."

He comes to a stoplight. "God, you look amazing."

I look at him and smile. "We look amazing. Like always."

I lean over the console and kiss him. "Don't start something you can't finish right now."

I chuckle as I sit back in my seat as the light turned green. Soon he pulls into Corey's driveway. We get out and I carry the food into his house.

Camille comes over and hugs me, "How was Milwaukee?"

"It was very nice. Very cold. But I'm glad I went."

"I'm glad you went too."

I find Cody in the sea of people at Corey's house. A lot more people showed up than I thought were going to. He puts his arm around me and holds me close to him.

Corey hands us a bottle of champagne to pop once the clock hits midnight. We go outside and watch the TV as we have a few minutes until it's midnight.

Once the seconds start counting down, Cody shakes the bottle of champagne before we pop it together as the time ran out. He sprays it a bit before kissing me.

He grips onto my hips and pulls me closer to him as we kiss. He looks at me as we pull apart, "I love you," I tell him.

"What?" he asks quietly with a small smile on his face.

"I love you," I tell him again. This time smiling even harder.

He kisses me again. "I love you too."

I know what I want. It's Cody. He's amazing and everything I've ever wanted. I love him.

"What's everyone's resolution?" Camille asks us as we sit in the living room. Everyone else has gone home. It's just us four now.

"I think you've had enough to drink. No more for you," I tell her, laughing.

"I'm serious! Mine is to enjoy life more. We've been so kept up before we lost our job that I wasn't taking time to enjoy life."

I take the glass of champagne from her, "Seriously, no more drinking."

"What about you two?" she asks the guys.

They look at each other, "Win a World Series."

That was obvious. "Jada?"

I think about it. Big things are going to happen this year. A lot of good things. "To focus less on the past and more on the present because a lot of good things are going to happen this year."

Cody puts his arm around me, "Big goals this year."

"Big, yet attainable."

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