We're Fighters.

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"You guys have no idea how excited I am that you're in Milwaukee," I tell Corey and Camille after I had picked them up from The Pfister.

"I think I can tell," Corey says.

"Christian didn't want to come with?"

"He's at home with Addie. They were napping when I left."

I get on the highway, "Where's the little guy?"

"My parents came into town to watch him. He told us to tell all of you hi and he wants to meet his 'auntie's baby.' Those are his words, not mine," Corey tells me.

"She is pretty cute, no wonder why he wants to meet her."

I pull into our garage and help them with their things. "Are you guys hungry? We haven't eaten yet so anything is on the table."

"He ate before we left but I didn't get to."

"What do you want?"

"Whatever you guys decide is fine with me."

I look out the sliding door as Scout ran across the yard. We go outside and stand on the deck as Scout returns the tennis ball to Christian. I watch him hold Addie like a football in his arms.

"Did he hold Wes like that? It's scaring me."

"Oh, yeah, all the time. I tried not to look."

I go out to Christian as he threw the ball. "She's not a football."

"Hey, she's sleeping and enjoys it."

Scout brings the ball back to me. I throw it again, "What are you hungry for?"

"Whatever they're hungry for."

"Corey ate before they left and Camille doesn't care. It's up to you or I can order something."

"Doesn't matter. You pick."


"Where's the little guy?" Christian asks as we walk over to them after Scout was done being a retriever for the day.

"He is with my parents at home."

"How's everything been going?" Camille asks as she helps me dry off the dishes in the sink.

"Better. Definitely better."

"Good, I'm glad."

As she puts the last of the dishes away, I take out my pumps and put the milk into bottles. Christian comes out with a used bottle and washes it so we don't have to.

I put the bottles in the fridge. "Is Lizzie coming over tomorrow?"

"She should be."

"Thanks for making dinner."

"No problem."

"See you in the morning."

"Night," Christian and I both tell her.

"Did she go down?"

"Like an angel."

I wash my hands quickly and dry them. I toss the towel on the counter. "You guys are going to all the games?"

"Front row."

"Say, hi Dad," I say as I use Addie's arm to wave to Christian.

He pushes a baseball under the netting, "Baby's first baseball."

Camille grabs it for me, "We love you."

I hold her up to the net, "I love you too."

He walks away to grab his bat and helmet. "Okay, now I do wish we had brought Wes with us."

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