Our Daughter.

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"I was surprised to see your name on my appointment list," Dr. Lankford tells us as she shuts the door of the exam room.

We laugh, "Definitely didn't expect it either."

I start to lay back on the bed, "How's Adelaine? She'll be one soon, right?"

"Less than a month. She's good. She's perfect."

I roll up my shirt, "Good. You guys have been through this so I'm just going to go through baby's anatomy and point out anything we can see. Do you know what you're having?"

"No, but you can tell us."


Christian holds my hand as she starts moving the wand around my stomach. We watch in awe as we see our baby on the screen in front of us.

It's crazy to think I'm already halfway through my pregnancy. Time is counting down until Adelaine won't be an only child.

"Okay, looks like baby's head is measuring a bit big for 20 weeks so you could deliver early if the rest of the body is that way."

Our baby has a huge head. Awesome. Sedate me when I give birth.

"Overall, the brain and spinal cord look perfect so there's no deformities that you need to worry about."

She turns on the sound to listen to the baby's heartbeat. That sound might be my favorite sound in the entire world. It's magical. "That's a very strong heartbeat; measuring at 148."

"Ten fingers, ten toes, and it looks like he is trying to do flips for us."

I smile and look up at Christian. He kisses me. "Is he always this active? He's putting on a show."

"Never stops."

I set my purse on the island before we go outside where Alecia, Adelaine, and Scout are. We open the sliding door and twist the confetti tubes, shooting out different shades of blue confetti.

Alecia screams, "No way!"

She hugs both of us before all of us go inside. "How was it?"

"Well, he has a big head which scares me but he's healthy."

"Christian had a big head."


"What? She deserves to know."

I look at him and nod, "I deserve to know."

I take out the sonograms to show her. "Oh my gosh. I feel like we were just looking at these of Addie."

"I know. It's crazy."

She hugs me again, her hand on my stomach, "I'm so excited for you guys."

"So is Christian Jr. an option?" Christian asks as he stands at the foot of our bed, pulling off his shirt.

I put my phone down, "Is it your dying wish for your son to be named after you?"

We should've gone over this before we got engaged. "No, absolutely not. I just wanted to see your reaction."

Thank god. He gets in bed with me, laying his head on my stomach, "Is he moving?"

I move his hand to the spot. We lay together as we enjoy our son's movement. I rub the part of his back that I can reach. He'll kiss my skin every once in a while.

"I was really surprised," he tells me, "I went in thinking we'd have two girls."

"Me too."

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