Constantly Compared.

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The Brewers came to LA early this year. This also means the team goes out to Milwaukee next week. So Camille is staying here and I'm going with them. Yay, Milwaukee. Cody and Christian have been neck and neck with each other. It's uncomfortable to watch because I had feelings for both of them at one point. But now, all of my feelings are for Cody. Christian and I can't even be in the same room. Not that, that happens but if it did, it wouldn't be good.

Cody finally sits next to me after messing with our bags in the overhead bin. Corey pushes my elbow off the armrest. "Corey, do it again and we're going to have problems."

"Woah, tiger. What did Cody do to make you mad?"

"He didn't do anything."

"That's a relief," Cody adds.

"How did I get stuck between you two on a four-hour flight? How and why?"

"This is going to be fun," Corey says as they shut the lights off.

I take my phone and headphones out of my backpack. "I am going to sleep. Are you two going to sleep?"

They look at each other. I scroll through my playlists before deciding to switch over to a podcast. That will put me to sleep right away. "Are you okay? You good?" Cody asks quietly.

"Yeah. I'm tired and hungry and this flight is too long already."

I look through the various podcasts after putting my headphones on. I've always listened to Starting 9 so why not? I click on the newest episode and skip the introduction of it before getting to the bulk of the conversation before putting my phone in the pocket of the seat in front of me.

How was the MVP tour? Jared Carrabis asked his guest. Please do not tell me this episode has Christian in it. Please. I cannot do that right now.

The best part of the MVP tour was the stuff I can't talk about. Christian. God damn it. I sigh and shake my head. I sink into my seat and lean on Cody. I'll fall asleep at some point. Is that weird though? Falling asleep to the guy I had feelings about. Also what the hell couldn't he talk about? I'm not even sure I want to know the answer to that.

Cody rubs my knee, bringing me further out of deep sleep. Well, deep enough to keep me asleep for the entire flight. I sit up and notice the silence of my headphones. I grab my phone and checked it as the podcast had ended. I take off my headphones and put them back in my bag.

I hold onto Cody's arm as we came in for a hard landing. Corey opens the shade and I see lots of rain. Springtime in Milwaukee is always a joy. It'll probably snow too, won't it?

"You elbowed me twice," Corey tells me.

"You probably deserved it," I tell him as I sit up in my seat.

Cody laughs. "Don't encourage her," Corey tells Cody.

"Why? I enjoy this."

"Do you even like me?" Corey asks me.

I laugh as the lights turn on. "Corey, the only reason I give you a hard time is because you are dating Camille."

"What does that have to do with it?"

"Because she has been my rock since our freshman year of college. Because she has seen me at my lowest of lows and I have seen her at her lowest of lows too. Because she comes over to my house at 7 am every day jumping off the walls waiting to tell me about something good you did the night before. Because you make her so happy and I can tell how happy she makes you. Also, you might as well get used to it because I know you're going to be around for a while. So once in a while, if I give you a hard time, it's out of love and to knock you down a few pegs. Everyone has to be humbled at some point in their life."

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