The Fall Of The North

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"LYANNA!" A man's voice called though my door as he knocked, startling me.

"Who is it?"

"Varys, my dear. You must come."

Quickly I opened the door, following him through the hall. I asked him what the trouble was but he just ignored me, speed walking through the halls with the rest of the servants.

He guided me to cersei and the rest of the lannasters.

"What is this? Where's sansa?"

"She is coming my child, don't you worry. You're father is to confess his crimes and he will be shown mercy, like it was sworn to him."

I looked over at the smirking joffery before nodding.

"Just stand right there my dear. It will all be alright." She said pointing to the side farthest from joffery.

I stood for what seemed like forever as the crowd in front of me grew and their voices all mixed in my ears. Sansa was soon escorted and stood at jofferys side. When the cheering started I turned towards where their gaze landed and saw my sweet father In chains.

I tried to go to him but cersei stopped me,  Stoically staring at me. I watched as they walked him down the steps infront of me and onto the platform below, his limp ever present.

"Lyanna?" He yelled, His eyes widened when he saw my belly, now 5 months pregnant there was no hiding the bump.

I felt my eyes tear up as he stared at me in shock before he was forced forward by gaurds. The bells rang around us, filling my ears with the gorgeous chimes. Sansa smiled at him, a hopeful smile that made my stomach both churn and settle.

"I am eddard stark...lord of winterfell and hand of the king. I come before you to confess my treason in the sight of gods and men. I betrayed the trust of my king and my friend Robert. I swore to defend his children...but before his blood was cold...I plotted to murder his son...and seize the throne for myself."

The crowd erupted in roars, people calling him a traitor and a dog before throwing things at him. A rock hit him square in the face and I covered my own mouth in shock.

"Let the high septon and Baylor the blessed bear witness to what I say...joffery baratheon is the one true heir to the iron throne. By the grace of all the gods lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm."

Pycelle hobbled forward, clearing his throat as he did.

" we do we suffer. This man has confessed his crime in the sight of gods and men. The gods are just but beloved  Baelor taught us they can also be merciful. What is to be done with this traitor your grace?"

"My mother wishes me to let lord eddard join the nights watch. Stripped of all tittles and power. He would serve the realm in permanent exile. And my lady sansa...has begged mercy for her father along side her dear sister lyanna..."

A little bit of relief washed over me. He would be free to go home and be safe in the north even if he was at the wall. I felt I could cry from relief in that moment before it all came crashing to a halt.

"But they have the gentle hearts of women. So long as I am your king, treason shall never go unpunished. Ser ilyn...bring me his head."

A roar of applause and cheers came from the crowd as I clutched my stomach, frozen in my spot. I heard Sansa beg for someone to stop him. i felt a man arms wrap around me, holding back the fight I didn't have in me. Those tears of relief soon turned to one of fear and sadness as I watched my father be forced to kneel. Varys and little finger came to beg for him to stop but Joffery wouldn't. Ser ilyns sword was unshesthed and I finally spoke.

"PLEASE! I BEG OF YOU, SEND HIM TO THE WALL JOFFERY!" He turned to me, ignoring all others and smiled before spitting at me.

"I don't listen to traitors whore daughters." He said before turning back towards my father.

Ser ilyns sword cut straight through my father neck, his head rolling to the edge of the platform before I bit the man's hand who held me back and jumped down to his bleeding body. I cradled him, staring at the place where his head would've been yet not able to force myself to look at where is really was.

Heat spread across lyannas body as she held her beloved father in her arms. The crowd watched in awe as joffery commanded the gaurds not to touch her. After a moment of her staring at her father she let out a blood curdling scream, turning her head upwards. As if she was howling at the loss of her father.

"Please, please, please...please papa, please!" she screamed, the front of her dress now soaked in blood.

Burying her head in his chest she wept, letting stones and sticks bounce off her as if they were never even there. Her scream would be remembered not as a scream but as a call to her own pack. To signal the loss of their father and leader, to signal the fall of the north.

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