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It had been weeks since I finally mustered up the bravery to go into the scullery, as I now knew it. Quaren had been slowly but surely teaching me Turkish and I helped him with any simple duties I could.

Usually, I sat out on deck with him as he watched over and sometimes helped his men on deck. On this particular day it was unbelievably hot. Winterfell would melt a hundred times over if they came across such heat. All the men panted and and stumbled about, all of them redder then red.

"Sana oturman için para ödemiyorum! işinize geri dönün sizi ahmaklar!" Qauren yelled, leaning on a rail by the wheel.
(i dont pay you to sit! get back to work you bunch of pusies!)

I chuckled at what little I could understand while I fanned myself.

"How far to the trading post you told me about?" I groaned, laying my head against my hands.

"Just one more day if the wind holds." He mumbled, his accent becoming stronger the hotter he got.

"Are you not melting in that?" He asked, inspecting my heavy skirts as he pushed off the rail toward me.

"Yes but I've nothing but heavy dresses. Quite a predicament." I mumbled, blushing at his closeness.


"Problem, don't worry about it. Everyone is hot but it'll cool down at night. It always does." I mumbled, returning to my place leaning on the rail.

After a moment of silence between us he nodded and began dragging me below deck.

"Whats this about?!"

He just snickered pulling us back into his cabin and rooting in his chest. Finally he pulled out a pair of trousers and a shirt and offered them to me.

"I don't think these will fit, Quaren." I chuckled, examining the much larger clothes.

"Better then all that though." He said, pointing at my dress. "I'll give you a moment to change. Come back up when you're done." He jested, backing out of the room with a hand over his eyes devilishly.

For a moment after he left I just stared at the clothes but soon began to strip. Though it took some finesse, I made the clothes work. I came back up on deck though, slightly embarrassed when a few of the deck hands giggled at the oversized clothes.

"Ah, just perfect. Feel any better little lady?" He jested, turning fully towards me to inspect my handy work.

As he continued his jest i rolled my eyes and looked past him into the sea.

"Is that land?" I said, pointing over to a large Grey thing in the ocean.

He turned, walking back to the rail and staring for a moment before laughing.

"No land lassy, a whale. Come look" he offered up his hand a pulled me infront of him. Bringing his body to almost shield me from the sun that set behind us.

"You see that big ole hole? It shoots water out. They're bigger than whole islands sometimes." He chuckled, resting his chin on my head.

We both just watched as its huge tail came up and slammed down against the sea, a large boom echoing out across and gathering the attention of all the men.

"There she goes!" He chuckled, shifting behind me as he lifted his head off me.

A long silence filled the air before water shot up into the sky with a loud 'whoosh'. I let out a yelp as water began to sprinkle down, some landing on me and Qauren as we began to chuckle.

"Look!" I cried pointing wildly as a smaller whale by its side.

"Good eye, lyanna. I guess thats the mamma then." He offered.

The hound and the wolf (Sandor Clegane X OC )Where stories live. Discover now