Below Deck

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Since the night we left the harbor things had been tense between me and qauren. Though I still stood in his shadow day after day he didn't speak to me with such frequency or passion as before.

I thought it best to leave him be, instead spending less time with him and more on deck with the crew. Though some more resistant than others, they allowed me to help with their daily tasks. Before I knew not of the back breaking work that went into such a mundane task as pulling the sails but now, after weeks of doing it I saw my flaws. I woke up tired and went to sleep tired but found myself mesmerized by the muscle id gained from such work. My skin turned darker and my hair lighter as freckles sprinkled across my arms and face.

Though, as the day seemed to go on, all of us chattering about. Hollering and jokes being passed about as a ship drew near us. My hands shielded the light from my eyes as I stared through the burning sensation to see a golden lion neatly painted across those red sails.

My stomach dropped to my ass as i stood frozen to the boards beneath me. That was until qauren came rushing towards me, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me from the daze id found myself in.

"Did you loose your hearing overnight? Get below deck, now!" He yelled, pushing me towards the small door under the wheels perch. I stumbled forward, my heart beating in my ear as I climbed down, down and down some more into the very bowls of the ship.

The cobwebs, blinded me as I shrieked and wiped at my face wildly trying to escape the sticky strings caught on my face. I walked over behind a big object and crouching down. I out my hands against it and felt the metallic ridges under the cloth. Quickly I ripped to cover off to reveal a huge iron cannon and a large wooden crate under it. For the first time In a long time I found myself afraid, afraid to be seen, to be found, to be captured. Afraid to be sent back to cersei, to kings landing, to sandor.

Voices didn't touch my ears though I listened intently. In despair I realized there might be another way. I hadn't thought to use my visions for spying but could it hurt at a time as desperate as these? I closed my eyes tightly, focusing on the sky. Imagining the clouds that sat atop our ship and the birds weaving themselves in between them. All at once the bright light and pressure forced its way behind my eyes as a felt the air pulling against my arms.

I looked down and there it was, our ship being boarded by the lannisters. Though soon I realized instead of flying I was calmly falling, my wings haphazardly flapping about until I realized how to use them. Slowly but surely I found my way down to the ropes, hanging mere feet away from the ever growing group above my body.

"And tell me, what is this ship Transporting?" A short, stout man asked qauren who stood a full head above him, his hand firmly placed on his sword.

"Things." He grumbled, the rest of his crew surrounding the soldiers who boarded.

"You know, we have been looking for a ship that looks...quite similar to this. People say they saw this ship hauling ass out of the harbor of kings landing only hours after the escape of lyanna stark. You wouldn't happen to know something about that, would you?" The lead soldier chuckled, taking a few steps closer to qauren who seemed to narrow his eyes before sniffing and giving a shit eating grin.

"Not a clue, now if you'd be so kind as to take your shiny ass's of my ship, I've places to be." He said, turing to walk into the crowd of his crew until the soldier spoke up.

"Search the ship, kill anyone who tries to stop you."

The crews tan faces grew white as the soldiers began tearing the deck apart.

"Hey, i didn't say you could do this!" Qauren commanded. His voice booming across the sea as he barreled towards the leader only to be met with a swift hit to back of his head by the same boy id threatened from the storm.

He stood over him, holding a bucket before turning his gaze to the soldiers.

"She's below deck." He chuckled, spitting on qauren before moving to look back at the crew.

With that I left the hawks body, a headache slowly beginning as i stood and stumbled out of my hiding spot. I knew I needed to get to qauren, to the crew, to safety.

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