Free Feeling

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After a breakfast consisting of slop and harder slop we set out back to the shop from the day before. The same dread filled my stomach as we walked just a street away from the alley we had been attacked in. With each step i went over the whole altercation, over every word that was said till i was pulled away from my thoughts by qauren who seemed to know as he pulled me closer by the tops of my shoulders.

We made our way to the shop no worse for wear before pushing the door open to the smell that clung to the whole dock, rust and fish but with a hint of lavender that hung in a bunch ontop of the door inside. The floor creaked under our feet as the small sounds of grunts came from the back.

"Hello there, my loyal customers!" The eccentric shop keeper called, struggling to drag a roll of fabric twice as big as he. Id felt a little bad seeing id forgotten his name so I elected to just remain silent instead of offering help.

"Just one moment..." he yelled from the back as I stood awkwardly next to qauren.

"Alright, let's see...ah here we go!" He announced, coming from the back with a bundle of clothes. "This is yours and if you'll just come with me back here we can see if it fits."

A rush of slight panic filled me, I hadn't been alone in the weeks since id left my home. I stood in an almost frozen trance as I tried to force my legs into motion. But yet again Qauren patted me on the back before guiding me over to the shop keeper who handed me the bundle before showing me a small room in the back.

"Come out when you've changed." He called, leaving me to my own devices. I looked about the room to see the walls made of a streaky wood that looked like it could fall apart in any moment.

I unrolled the bunch, picking apart the neutral colored clothes before finding each part and slipping out of Qaurens clothes that id been borrowing and into the very clean, rough clothing in front of me.

I hung the coat and Qaurens clothes over my arm before pushing out of the small room and back into the main building. Both men turning towards me causing a slight blush to cross my face.

"Fits fine, ser." I mumbled, crossing the room towards qauren who seemed to analyze every step.

"Very well, all thats left is the payment." He chuckled, seeming almost uncomfortable to have asked. Before I could move qauren put a small roll of coins into his outstretched hand.

"May the tides be kind as they see you off." He called, inspecting his coins as We walked out.

We were both quiet as we walked down a few street before I couldn't hold back my question.

"Do you not like it?" I chuckled, slightly nervous to his answer but still nudging him gently causing a smirk to bless his lips.

"Nah ye look fine just erm...ignore me, I guess breakfast didn't agree with me." He chuckled, rubbing his stomach before turning to look ahead.

I nodded, a small smile on my face as I watched children playing a few feet away. As we walked i realized that id slipped from what I was before. I hadn't prayed since being on the boat, If id called someone a sea dog at home I'm quite sure I would've been lynched and trousers as everyday attire? Call the church! Yet here, I felt as if I had no one to bring shame to, a free feeling that id hope never stopped.

The hound and the wolf (Sandor Clegane X OC )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora