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The board creeked under me and I walked off the boat, rocking slightly as I walked to the middle but I refused to stop. A deep breath pushed from my lungs when I hit the dock, the sun shining brightly down on us as we all left the ship.

I fiddled with the sealed papers in my hand as I began to walk around the dock occasionally glancing at the seal and looking for a man wearing a matching one. One thing I did take notice of was the strange statue towering over the city high ontop of a building. I took notice of the strange shape, triangles.

"Peter, what is that?" I pointed to the golden statue with wings.

"I uh I don't know, a bird with tits?" He chuckled before staring confused like at a man.

"What is it?" I whispered turning to face him as we walked.

"The slaves don't wear chains?" He asked, dumbfounded at his new discovery.

"Some of our slaves didn't wear chains." I mumbled, shrugging before looking back up at the strange statue.

"Have you ever been here before?" I asked, already sweating as the sun beat down on me.

"No but I've heard of this place, meereen in the slavers bay, Horrid place." He mumbled, staring down the street. "Looks like someone's redecorating."

We walked silently down towards the street with the rest as we pushed through crowds.

"Let me see that seal again." He asked, holding out his hand as he stared at the red wax. The red wax with my house sigil burnt into it. He quickly pointed to a man in armor holding a flag with the same sigil, the fabric flapping in the wind as he started towards him. The rest of us followed behind as he walked infront of the man and handed him the papers.

The soldier looked between us, his eyes lingering on me before he looked down at the seal and motioned for us to follow. His silence put me on edge as we all looked at each other in confusion but quickly followed behind him towards the strange bird statue atop the largest building in the whole city.

"Where are we going?" I asked, jogging to walk beside the man hidden behind his armor and helmet.


"Who has called me here? What does he want?" I asked again as we now walked up the many stairs up to the triangle palace before us.

"Her." He corrected, glancing back at me as I nodded.

"Her." I mimicked. Maybe this good news? Maybe it was one of my allies who fled here? I pray it is.

We walked down corridor after corridor of sand colored walls painted with vibrant blues until finally making one last turn. A large group of gaurds stood before a door. As we approached they turned to face us, slamming their spear butts on the ground. My stomach dropped at the sight of so many weapons as even if I could get my dagger from under my coat I'd be a kabob soon after.

Peter saw me slowing and put his hand on my lower back as if to push me. The man who'd brought us through this city left us with the six gaurds who didn't even look at us. We waited for what seemed like forever until he came back and ushered the group of us inside.

My eyes rose up those sand colored stairs up to see 4 people. A black woman in a blue dress to the thrones right. Ser barriston, the "naked knight" and another man, clearly from westeros next to him.

My eyes circled back to the throne to inspect the woman who stayed seated on the throne as she looked down on us. Her white hair trailing down past her rib cage and surprisingly pale skin shot out to me. Paired with the bright white dress she wore she looked almost like an angel, or snow. As I got closer to the center of the large, eerily silent room I could see her better. The dragon pendant holding her dress together shot out to me as I realized who sat before me, Daenerys targaryen.

The hound and the wolf (Sandor Clegane X OC )Where stories live. Discover now