Chapter 2: Happiness

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"Jeon, what the hell is wrong with you? You've been distracted for the past two months." Jungkook's friend's voice snaps him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, sorry. Did you say something important?" Jungkook asks as he looks at his friend.

"Apparently not." His friend grumbles with a pout.

"I am going to go home. I had a late shoot last night." Jungkook hums and gets up from his seat in the coffee shop.

"Okay, I'll see you around. You know you can tell me if something is wrong, right?" Jungkook's friend asks with concern lacing his voice.

"I know. Thanks, Hyung. I've just been thinking about someone lately." Jungkook mumbles and leaves the cafe.

As Jungkook lies down on his couch and turns the TV on, his doorbell rings. He grumbles and gets up and goes to the door monitor. When he sees who is at the door, his eyes widen in shock, and he quickly opens the door.

"Taehyung." The alpha stares at the omega in complete shock.

"I am sorry for suddenly showing up like this." Taehyung nervously mutters as his teary, brown eyes look at the ground.

"It's okay. Come in." Jungkook quickly steps aside and lets the omega into his home. "Is something wrong?"

"I-I have something to tell you," Taehyung whispers and stands in the middle of the living room while nervously biting his bottom lip.

"Okay. Sit down. You can tell me once you are comfortable." Jungkook softly tells the omega who is clearly about to have a breakdown from stress.

"Thank you." Taehyung barely mutters and sits down on the couch.

"What do you want to tell me?" Jungkook gently asks and sits beside the nervous omega.

"F-first, I want you to know that I did not mean for this to happen. Second, I am not here to ask anything of you. I am not forcing you into anything. I just thought you deserved to know." Taehyung mumbles as tears pool in his eyes and his soft scent of cotton and lilies of the valley begins to smell burned.

"I am listening." Jungkook softly responds as he softens his scent to calm the omega next to him.

"I-I ... I'm pregnant," Taehyung whispers as a tear trickles down his face and he lowers his head in shame. "And you are the first and only person I have ever been with."

Jungkook stays still as he processes Taehyung's quiet words. His eyes widen as he looks at the terrified omega.

"I promise that no one will ever know about me and the pup. I-I just thought th-that y-you m-mi-ight w-want t-to know." Taehyung quietly cries and covers his face with his hands.

Jungkook quickly pulls the omega into a warm, comforting embrace as his mind races about not knowing a single thing about taking care of a pregnant omega or raising a pup.

"Have you been to a doctor yet? Are you and our pup healthy? Have you been eating the proper foods? Are you able to sleep? Is the morning sickness bad?" Jungkook asks his questions all at once as he thinks about how terrified Taehyung must have been when he found out about the pregnancy alone.

Taehyung hiccups on his cries in surprise and looks at Jungkook in shock. "I've been okay." Taehyung sniffles while Jungkook gently dries his face of tears.

"Good. Have you been to a doctor yet?" Jungkook asks and pulls the omega into his lap.

"Are you wanting to have the pup with me?" Taehyung looks at Jungkook and quietly waits for the alpha's answer.

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