Chapter 25: Tradition

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"Are you ready?" Namjoon softly asks his beta as they stand outside the gate of Seokjin's family's large compound.

"I am." Seokjin takes a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.

As the doorbell chimes throughout the large residence, the butler goes to the large wooden gate and opens it. She smiles when she sees Seokjin and politely bows to him.

"Welcome home, Kim Seokjin." She greets him and then stands up; however, when she sees Namjoon, her smile falters.

"Thank you." Seokjin nervously mutters.

"Please, follow me." She politely hums and begins walking to the main house of the large compound.

As Namjoon looks around, he is in awe of the beautiful hanok-styled compound. He wraps his arm around Seokjin's waist as his beta begins to tremble from nerves slightly.

"Pup, I am here with you." Namjoon softly whispers to his beta.

Seokjin nods and relaxes as Namjoon's warm scent engulfs him and comforts him. When they walk into the home, a beta approaches them and bows.

"Please follow me to your quarters to change. I apologize that we did not know you would be bringing a guest. I will have clothing for him brought to your quarters." She politely bows and guides them to their room.

"It's very traditional," Namjoon mutters as he looks around and realizes that everyone is wearing hanboks.

"Yep. We were raised to be very traditional." Seokjin quietly responds.

"Wow." Namjoon hums and tightens his embrace around his beta.

"Here is where you will be staying during your stay. Servants will bring a hanbok for the alpha to wear." The female beta bows before backing away.

Once they are in the room, Namjoon breathes out and looks around. He is beyond surprised when he sees that the room is very traditional, without a single electronic or any air conditioning.

"Kim Seokjin, I have brought clothing for the alpha." A woman's voice sounds from the other side of the door.

"Okay. You can enter." Seokjin responds and watches as the woman enters.

The female beta bows as she places the clothing on the nightstand and then bows and leaves. Seokjin sits on the floor and sighs in relief now that he and Namjoon are alone.

"This is all very new to me," Namjoon mutters and sits next to Seokjin.

"This is why I made my grand escape." Seokjin chuckles and scoots closer to his alpha.

"I won't let them do anything to you. The moment you want to, we will leave." Namjoon softly tells his already exhausted beta.

"Thank you, Alpha," Seokjin mutters and breathes in his alpha's scent.

"It now makes sense why you always used to speak so formally." Namjoon hums as he gently pulls his exhausted beta into his lap.

"I would get whipped by a willow branch if I slipped up," Seokjin whispers as his painful childhood flashes through his mind.

"That's where the scars on the back of your legs came from," Namjoon mutters in realization.

"Yeah. There are scars on my back, too. That's why I never let you see me without a shirt on when the lights are on." Seokjin quietly whispers as a tear trickles down his face.

"My sweet Beta." Namjoon cries as he wraps the man he loves in his arms. "I will never let them hurt you again. We should leave."

"I came to put my nightmares to rest. I came to say goodbye, officially." Seokjin hums and snuggles in his mate's embrace.

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