Chapter 57: Sweet Words

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Yoongi's eyes are big as he stands in the middle of an empty apartment that is bigger than the one he was just sleeping in. While his parents look around the apartment they just bought, he stays completely still in the spot his mother set him down in. He looks around the lovely apartment with Jungkook's voice lulling his world through his headphones.

"Yoongi, what do you think?" Boyoung asks as she kneels in front of her son, her voice at the perfect level for Yoongi to hear over the music.

Seeing the beautiful omega in front of him, Yoongi reaches out and pats her face, startling Boyoung. Other than wanting to be held, Yoongi never initiates physical contact. When a tear trickles down Boyoung's face, Yoongi clumsily wipes it away with his little hands.

"My sweet pup." Boyoung sniffles as she kisses his cheek.

As Boyoung hugs Yoongi, Hyungsik's phone rings. The alpha frowns as he answers the phone and steps onto their balcony. "I'll be there soon." Hyungsik sighs and hangs up the call. "I have to go. There is a current bank robbery happening."

"Be safe. Don't get hurt." Boyoung nervously wrings her hands as she watches Hyungsik grab his jacket.

"I'll be safe. I promise." Hyungsik smiles and pecks Boyoung's forehead before leaning down to kiss the top of Yoongi's head. "Appa will be home soon." He smiles before stepping out of their new home.

"Should we get our new home ready before Appa returns?" Boyoung asks as she looks down at Yoongi, who is looking up at her with his big, grey eyes. "Such a good pup. Come on." She smiles and motions for Yoongi to follow her.

For the rest of the day, Yoongi follows behind his mother and watches as she opens many boxes. When he sees the box of crayons, he walks over to it and hesitantly reaches his hand out for them. For a few moments, he stares at the crayons with longing.

"Yoongi, are you wanting to color?" Boyoung softly asks when she notices that Yoongi is staring at the crayons with longing. "Go on. If you want to, you can color." She watches as he picks a few colors before sitting on the floor with a piece of paper and his favorite colors.

As Yoongi colors, Boyoung sets up the master bedroom. When she looks at Hyungsik's boxes, she contemplates whether he would want to be in his own room or in the same room as her. Noticing his mother's dilemma, Yoongi gets up from the floor and walks over to the box. Smelling his father's scent coming from the box, the pup reaches his hand in and grabs a shirt.

With big eyes, Boyoung watches as Yoongi carries Hyungsik's shirt into the bedroom and places it on the mattress. "Do you want Appa to be in the same room as us? I do." Boyoung smiles and grabs Hyungsik's clothes. While Boyoung hangs Hyungsik's clothes in the closet, Yoongi grabs his paper and crayons and sits on the bedroom floor. He quietly colors as his parents' scents fill their new apartment.

Once Yoongi finishes with his drawing, he gets up and walks over to his mother. When he lifts it up for her, she takes it and looks at it. Yoongi watches her every expression as she looks at his drawing.

"Yoongi, is this us?" She asks with a big smile when she sees two adults and a child in the drawing. "It's beautiful, Yoongi. I love it. I am going to put it in the art room." She quickly goes to a large sunroom and finds tape. With a big smile, she tapes the drawing onto the wall. Yoongi's eyes widen in awe when he sees his drawing hanging with his mother's gorgeous paintings. "Yoongi, if you want to, you can draw everything you want to tell us. How does that sound?" Boyung softly suggests to her silent pup.

After looking at Boyoung for a moment, Yoongi walks away and continues drawing. Boyoung softly smiles as she watches her pup.

That night when Hyungsik returns home late, he sees that the apartment is almost all put together. As he looks around the apartment, Yoongi comes running out of the art room and stops in front of him, holding up a drawing. Seeing Yoongi looking up at him with big eyes, all exhaustion washes away from Hyungsik.

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