Chapter 87: All Grown Up

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"Park Bogum! Jeon Hoseok! What did you two do to your hair?! I just fixed it!" Taehyung shouts when Hoseok and Bogum try to sneak out of their bedroom.

"Uh we uhm-"

"No sex until after you graduate!" Taehyung stomps over to the pair of alphas and grabs them by their ears. "We are going to be late to your own graduation." He hisses and forces both alphas to sit down so that he can fix their hair again.

"Sorry, Eomma," Hoseok grumbles with a pout as his mother fixes his messed-up hair.

"Keep off of each other for a couple of hours. I know you're excited about moving to your own place. Soon, you can do all of the crazy stuff you want, but just wait until after the pictures." Taehyung grumbles as he runs his fingers through his oldest pup's hair.

As Taehyung fixes Hoseok's hair, he realizes that his pup is about to move out. He will not have the mornings when he untangles his sleepy pup's hair or hears him stumbling out of his room late for class.

"Eomma, what is wrong?" Hoseok asks when he hears his mother sniffle.

"Nothing." Taehyung smiles and quickly dries his eyes. "You've just gotten so big. My pup is all grown up." He smiles and kisses the top of Hoseok's head.

"Just because I am moving out doesn't mean you aren't stuck with me anymore." Hoseok quickly gets up and hugs his mother. "I'm sorry, but you're stuck with me for life."

"My sweet Sunshine." Taehyung smiles as his son hugs him.

"We are so late," Jimin mutters as he walks out of his room with Yoongi.

"Okay, pups 1, 2, 3, and 4 are all ready to go. We are going to meet Namjoon hyung and Seokjin hyung at the arena. They are there and have reserved seats for us," Jungkook explains as he walks out of his and Taehyung's bedroom and puts his watch on.

"We really are late!" Taehyung gasps when he sees the time. "Let's go." He quickly starts herding his family out of the apartment.

"My parents said that they are arriving at the arena," Yoongi tells them when he receives a message from his parents.

"Okay. That is good." Taehyung smiles and gently pats Yoongi's head, earning a blush from the beta.

When they arrive at the arena, Taehyung quickly ushers Hoseok and Bogum toward the tent so that they can check in. "You guys can go and find Namjoon hyung and Seokjin hyung. I'll stay with them until they are checked in." Taehyung tells the others.

"I'll stay with you. Moon and Yoon can go find the seats." Jungkook smiles and kisses the top of his mate's head. He knows that his mate has been stressing about their oldest pup moving out.

"Omo. Isn't that Alpha Jeon?!" A group of students squeals when they see Jungkook. "I heard that his pups were coming to school here. I didn't expect to actually be able to see him!"

"We will go to our seats," Jimin tells his father before shooting a pointed glare at the giggling groups of students. "He has a mate." He grumbles as his glare causes the group to quickly look away. With a huff, Jimin walks off with Yoongi.

"He's always been protective ever since he was a little pup," Taehyung softly chuckles as he watches Jimin walk away.

When they reach the front of the line, Hoseok and Bogum check-in and are told the directions to the waiting room. Before Bogum and Hoseok enter the arena, Taehyung hugs them. "My big pups." He hums and squeezes them tight.

Hoseok gently pats his mother's head before entering the building with Bogum. Taehyung knows that most parents separate from their pups when they start university, so he is grateful he got a few more years with his pups.

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