Chapter 19: Bumpy Skies

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"Vacation, here we come." Namjoon grins as he wears a sun hat and shades.

"I cannot believe that you are flying like that." Seokjin groans as he looks at his alpha boyfriend.

"It's Kim Namjoon. There is nothing else to expect." Jungkook chuckles as he carries his exhausted mate to the waiting area.

"Rough night?" Seokjin asks when he sees Taehyung dozing off in Jungkook's arms.

"Very rough. Three heats." Taehyung sleepily mutters and snuggles his face against his mate's chest.

"Oh damn," Namjoon mutters, opening his arms to pick up a very sleepy alpha pup.

While they wait for their plane, several security guards surround the private room they are waiting in. Many reporters outside the room are trying to snap pictures of Jungkook and his family, but the security guards are successfully keeping Jungkook's family protected.

When it comes time to board their plane, the family is discreetly boarded in first class. Jungkook is quick to draw the curtains around his family's seats. Once they are safely tucked in their seats, Jungkook gently cuddles his exhausted mate. Taehyung sleepily coos as his mate lovingly holds him.

"Once we take off, I'll lay our seats back and make a bed." Jungkook softly tells his mate, who sleepily nods.

Once the plane is fully boarded and begins to taxi down the runway, Hoseok clings to his father in fear when the plane softly jerks.

"It is okay, Sunshine." Jungkook hums and wraps his arm around his pup, who is sitting in the seat beside him. Knowing that his mate and pup would both need him, he is sitting in the middle seat.

Hoseok whimpers when the plane speeds up, so Jungkook releases more of his calming pheromones to comfort his pup and mate.

"Damn, whose pheromones is this?" An omega in another seat yawns as she begins to fall asleep.

"Sorry." Jungkook nervously mumbles as the omegas in the cabin pass out.

When the plane takes to the sky, Hoseok looks at his father with big eyes. He can see the clouds from Taehyung's window. Knowing that his pup wants to see the clouds, Taehyung sleepily motions Hoseok over to his seat, so Hoseok climbs over his alpha parent's lap to settle in his omega parent's lap.

"The clouds are beautiful." Taehyung sleepily mumbles as he brushes his fingers through his pup's freshly cut hair.

Jungkook fondly watches as his pup and mate drift off to sleep while watching the passing clouds.

"How are they?" Seokjin asks when he pops his head into the family's compartment.

"They are both sleeping." Jungkook whispers and lifts his arm to show his family snuggled in his embrace.

"That is good. Let me know if you need anything. Monie and I are right behind you guys." Seokjin tells Jungkook before returning to his and Namjoon's compartment.

After sleeping for an hour, Hoseok wakes up and crawls into his alpha parent's lap. Jungkook takes his laptop out of the bag and turns on a show for Hoseok to watch. Hoseok instantly smiles when Jungkook places the headphones over his ears. Jungkook smiles as he watches his alpha pup dance in his lap while watching the show.

When Taehyung wakes up, he snuggles closer to Jungkook and watches the cartoon with his pup. Jungkook lovingly combs his fingers through his mate's and his pup's hair and begins to drift off to sleep. Knowing that his mate and pup are okay, the alpha finally relaxes.

While watching the cartoon, Taehyung drifts off to sleep, so when the cartoon finishes, Hoseok slides out of his alpha father's lap and leaves their compartment. To Seokjin and Namjoon's surprise, Hoseok pops into their compartment with a giggle.

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