Chapter 43: Miss You

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As Taehyung lies down to sleep, he curls up in a tight ball. Ever since he and Jungkook spent his first rut together, he has hated sleeping alone. With a small huff, he gets out of bed and goes to his pups' nursery.

"Eomma, are you okay?" Hoseok asks when his omega parent walks into the nursery.

"Do you two want to sleep with me?" Taehyung looks at his pups, who are looking at him with big eyes.

"Yes!" Hoseok quickly hops off of the bed with his favorite purple squirrel plushie. "Do you miss Appa?"

"I do." Taehyung smiles as he picks up Jimin from his crib.

"We will stay with Eomma while Appa is away." Hoseok beams and reaches his hand up to hold Taehyung's hand.

"Thank you, Sunshine." Taehyung smiles as his sweet pup smiles up at him.

"Nigh nigh, Mama." Jimin coos as his omega parent sets him in the middle of the nest.

"Good night, Moonbeam." Taehyung gently kisses his sweet pup's forehead.

"It's okay, Eomma. Appa will come home fast." Hoseok wraps his small arms around his omega parent to comfort him.

"Thank you, Sunshine." Taehyung smiles as his pups comfort him.

With his pups in his embrace, Taehyung finally falls into peaceful slumber. As they sleep, Jimin crawls in between his older brother and omega parent and happily coos. The omega pup has his alpha parent's shirt from the nest and has placed it between his omega parent and himself to comfort them with his alpha parent's scent.

When Taehyung wakes up to the alarm ringing, he quickly turns it off and wraps his pups in his arms. He closes his eyes and wishes his mate was there to wrap them in his loving and warm embrace.

"Blossom, are you okay?" Jungkook's worried voice over their link instantly comforts Taehyung.

"I miss you." Taehyung pouts as he talks to his mate over their link.

"I miss you too, Pup. I am working on coming home early." Jungkook smiles as he sits in a makeup chair to prepare for an interview.

"I should be used to falling asleep without you, but I still hate it," Taehyung mutters and watches as his pups sleep peacefully.

"I am sorry, Blossom. I'll try harder to be home more." Jungkook frowns as he feels his mate's longing and sadness over their link.

"It is okay, Hyung. You need to work, and I know that your work has tough hours. I just miss you. Please don't feel bad or anything like that. I love you and am very proud of you." Taehyung softly responds when he feels his mate's worry and sadness.

"But I miss you too. I wish that I was falling asleep with you in my arms. When I woke up, I panicked when you were not in my arms. I also do not like waking up without you. I don't like falling asleep without you wrapped in my arms. I feel safest and happiest when I am with you." Jungkook messes with a makeup brush in his hand as his heart fills with longing to be with his mate and pups.

"Me too. I am happiest when I am with you." Taehyung smiles and snuggles closer to his pups.

"I love you so much, Pup." Jungkook barely smiles as he looks at himself in the mirror. Before he mated Taehyung, he did not mind traveling for work. His condo did not feel like home. It was empty and cold. But now, he has a mate whom he loves and pups he loves. He just wants to be home with his family. He wants to go home to his beautiful family.

When Jungkook sighs for the hundredth time, Namjoon sets his phone down and looks at his friend with concern. "What is wrong?" 

"I miss Blossom and our pups," Jungkook mutters with a frown. "Don't you miss Jin hyung."

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