Chapter 72: Comfort

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"Stop. No. Please. I am sorry. I didn't mean to. Please." Yoongi's pained whimpers fill the dark bedroom as he trembles in the bed.

"Hyung. Hey, Hyung. Wake up. You're okay." Jimin gently shakes Yoongi to wake him up. "Hyung! Wake up! Hyung!" He calls out as Yoongi cries out in pain. "You're safe. It's a nightmare."

Yoongi cries out and jerks awake, panting as his eyes wildly look around the dark room. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He whimpers as tears stream down his face.

"Hyung, you're safe. I'm here." Jimin whispers as he carefully wraps Yoongi in his arms to comfort him.

"Jimin." Yoongi shivers as he moves closer to his omega. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up." He mutters as he squeezes his eyes shut and tries to forget his nightmare.

"There is nothing to apologize about. You did absolutely nothing wrong." Jimin softly hums and kisses the top of his beta's head. "Do you want to talk about what you dreamed about?" Jimin gently asks as he threads his fingers through Yoongi's hair.

"My biological father." Yoongi shudders in fear as he clings to Jimin. "H-he was angry."

"I'm so sorry, Hyung. I am so sorry that someone so terrible hurt you. You are beautiful and sweet. You never deserved any pain. My sweet Hyung." Jimin softly whispers as he soothingly brushes his fingers up and down Yoongi's back. "My sweet, sweet Hyung."

"H-he would beat me." Yoongi shivers in fear as he thinks about the monster from his nightmares.

"You're safe now, Hyung. He will never hurt you again. Never again." Jimin hums and gently squeezes Yoongi in his embrace. 

Yoongi sniffles and nods, his face buried in Jimin's chest. This is the first time in several years that someone else has found out about his sporadic nightmares. "Thank you, Mimi." Yoongi barely whispers as he breathes in Jimin's soft, sweet scent.

If that monster ever appears in your life again, I will tear him to pieces. How could anyone ever hurt you? Jimin buries his face in Yoongi's hair and presses a tender kiss on his beta's head.

When morning arrives, and the sun shines in his eyes, Yoongi grumbles under his breath and rolls over. The beta instantly hugs his omega and buries his face in his omega's hair to hide himself from the morning sun. Feeling his beta's arms wrapped around him, Jimin purrs and snuggles closer to his beta. The two happily sleep in each other's embrace while the rest of the household wakes up.

"Did you two sleep well?" Jungkook asks as his oldest pup and his pup's boyfriend sleepily shuffle into the kitchen to scavenge food.

"We did." Hoseok sleepily murmurs and leans against Bogum.

"Breakfast will be ready soon. Your eomma had to go to the shop early to take care of a large order." Jungkook explains as he rolls the omelet.

"Oh, should I go and help him?" Hoseok asks as he drools over the delicious breakfast being cooked.

"I am going to go to the shop after I feed the four of you." Jungkook hums and places the omelet on a plate, then cuts it into the perfect slices.

"Okay." Hoseok yawns and then tries to grab the omelet.

"Tsk. Go sit down." Jungkook hisses and smacks his son's hand away. "Go."

"I'm not going to eat all of it, just one piece," Hoseok whines with a big pout.

"Go to the table, now. I didn't raise barbarians." Jungkook motions for Hoseok and Bogum to leave the kitchen.

"Should I wake up Moon and Yoongi?" Bogum asks as he walks over to the table.

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