Chapter 54: Beautiful Day

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As Yoongi stares at the shut door, he wants to call out to the alpha, but he does not know how to. Silent tears stream down his face as his little hands reach out for the alpha who left.

"Yoongi, what is wrong?" Boyoung frantically asks when she sees tears streaming down the pup's face. "Why are you crying?"

Yoongi looks at her and opens his mouth, trying to speak, but no sounds come out. As he silently cries, he points at the door, trying to express he is scared without the alpha.

"Do you want Hyungsik?" She asks when she finally realizes why the pup is crying.

The moment Yoongi nods, Boyoung picks him up and runs out of the apartment. As Hyungsik walks to his car, he hears Boyoung shouting for him, so he quickly turns around. He is surprised when he sees her running toward him with Yoongi crying in her arms.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Hyungsik worriedly rushes over to them.

When Hyungsik reaches them, Yoongi reaches his hands out for the alpha and continues to cry silently. "He started crying when you left," Boyoung explains as Hyungsik takes Yoongi out of her arms.

The beta pup desperately clings to the alpha and buries his nose against Hyungsik's scent gland. Hyungsik tightens his embrace around the pup in his arms when he realizes the beta pup is scared.

"Should I stay tonight?" Hyungsik asks as he tries to comfort Yoongi.

"Do you mind? I know you are busy as a detective and everything, but I don't know what else to do." Boyoung responds as she worries about the pup.

"I don't mind at all." Hyungsik softly smiles and wraps his arm around Boyoung's waist. "Let's go in. You forgot your jacket."

When they enter the apartment, Yoongi refuses to let go of the alpha. "Let me connect my phone to the speaker so that he doesn't have to continue listening to the lullaby over his headphones." Boyoung quickly turns on her speaker and then begins playing Jungkook's lullaby.

"We should send him a fan letter and ask him to record some lullabies for Yoongi," Hyungsik suggests as he gently pulls the headphones off of Yoongi's ears.

"That is actually not a bad idea. I heard he is actually really nice." Boyoung smiles at the idea.

"Do you think he would really reply?" Hyungsik asks as he continues to rock Yoongi in his arms.

"If we explain why we want the lullabies, I actually think he would reply," Boyoung responds as she motions for Hyungsik to sit on the couch.

"Then let's give it a try." Hyungsik smiles as he looks around for a pen and paper. "I can drop it off at his company's building. It's not far from the precinct I work at."

For the next hour, Hyungsik and Boyoung write a letter to Jungkook, asking him for recorded lullabies for their son, explaining why they are making such a random request of the alpha. By the time they finish writing the letter, Yoongi is peacefully sleeping in Hyungsik's arms.

"You might just have to move in until we find a place for all of us." Boyoung softly whispers as she watches Yoongi sleep in Hyungsik's arms. "It's almost impossible for me to get him to sleep."

"I'll stay. Don't worry." Hyungsik softly smiles as he carefully shifts Yoongi in his lap.

"I'm going to make dinner," Boyoung whispers as she carefully gets up from the couch.

"Okay. I'll make it with you." Hyungsik mutters as he prepares to stand up.

"No. Stay right where you are. Let him sleep." Boyoung smiles, placing a gentle kiss on Hyungsik's forehead, causing the alpha to blush for the hundredth time that day.

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