🔞 Chapter 12: Euphoria

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After the phone call with his mother ends, Jungkook goes to his office and opens the app that will start his live for his fans. He quickly ruffles his hair and then presses the button that starts the live. Within a few seconds, there are thousands of fans already logged onto the live. 

"Are you surprised? It's been a while since I've gone live." Jungkook chuckles and waves at his fans.

"I'm watching your live." Taehyung softly giggles over their link which brings a large smile to Jungkook's face.

"Are you curious as to why I suddenly smiled?" Jungkook asks when he reads his fans' comments. "My mate is watching the live." Jungkook happily answers and adjusts his phone to capture his image better. "So, since over a million of you are here, I will start. I know that you will be posting videos on social media about what I am about to say. Please, post what I say because I want all of my fans to know." Jungkook takes a deep breath as he looks at the comments that are flashing on his screen.

"It's okay, Koo. Your fans love you." Taehyung gently tells his mate over their link.

"Thank you, Blossom." Jungkook releases his breath with a soft smile. "So, I have a mate and a pup. My mate and I are expecting another pup in a few months. I am sure that you are all surprised by how sudden this is, but for me, I love them. They are my entire world, and I ask that my dear fans treat my family as my entire world. I ask that if you see them somewhere you treat them with respect and kindness. I know that my fans are the best fans, so this is why I feel safe asking this of you. You always give me space when I am in public, so I ask that you do the same for my family. My mate and I have decided that we want our family to stay private. We want our pups to have as normal of lives as possible. I will happily talk about my mate and pups with you guys, but I will keep their identities private. I ask for your understanding." Jungkook bows his head to his fans.

"Thank you so much, Koo." Taehyung softly tells his mate who smiles in relief. "Your fans are so sweet. You should read the comments. Their comments will comfort you."

"My mate reminded me to read your comments. My mate said that your comments will comfort me." Jungkook smiles and scrolls through the comments. "Thank you so much for your understanding. This means so much to me." Jungkook's eyes become teary when he sees his fans' sweet comments.

As Jungkook interacts with his fans, he hears Hoseok happily squeal in the background. His fans instantly begin adoring the sound of Jungkook's oldest pup.

"I do believe that my pup needs me, so I will be leaving. I will definitely come live again! Thank you so much!" Jungkook quickly stands up and bows to his fans before turning his live off.

When Jungkook walks into Hoseok's nursery, he is surprised to see Hoseok dancing on the bed while Taehyung looks at him in exhaustion.

"He had a sudden burst of energy." Taehyung mumbles and looks at Jungkook with exhausted eyes.

"Sunshine, don't jump on the bed. It's dangerous." Jungkook quickly picks Hoseok up and sets him down on the bed.

"Oh, Hobi be cawefuw." Hoseok mutters with a pout and sits.

"Why is Sunshine not sleepy?" Jungkook softly asks and gently pets his pup's head.

"Sunshine happy." Hoseok smiles and looks up at his father.

"What is making Sunshine happy?" Jungkook hums and waits for his pup's answer.

"Sunshine smell wike Appa!" Hoseok beams and crawls into Jungkook's lap.

"He is losing our birth parents' scents and is starting to smell like you and me." Taehyung's eyes widen in surprise when he realizes that Hoseok's scent has been changing.

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