🔞 Chapter 9: Blossom

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"Thank you for watching him for us." Jungkook smiles as he gives Namjoon and Seokjin the bag that he and Taehyung packed for Hoseok.

"We will take very good care of him, so don't worry and have fun with your omega." Namjoon grins and winks which causes Jungkook to smack him on the chest.

"Remember to be careful with Taehyung since he is pregnant." Seokjin reminds Jungkook as he bounces Hoseok on his hip.

"I will be very careful." Jungkook chuckles and then kisses Hoseok's cheek.

"Appa and Eomma will be back in three days. Will you be a good pup and listen to your samchons for us?" Taehyung softly tells Hoseok who smiles and nods.

"Yes, Eomma." Hoseok happily smiles and waves at Taehyung and Jungkook as they leave.

The drive home is quiet as nerves bubble up in Taehyung's stomach. "Why am I so nervous?" Taehyung quietly mumbles with a pout.

"We do not have to mate yet if you are not ready." Jungkook softly responds.

"No! I definitely want to mate!" Taehyung shouts which surprises both of them. "It's just that uhh, this time uhm there won't be my heat ..." He shyly mumbles which brings a soft smile to Jungkook's face.

"I promise that I will take very good care of you." Jungkook softly hums and reaches over to hold Taehyung's hand.

"I heard that it hurts the first few times," Taehyung mutters and holds Jungkook's large hand.

"That is only if the alpha or dominant mate is an asshole." Jungkook huffs with a frown because dominant mates are not known for caring for their partners.

"Oh. You're not an asshole, so I will be okay." Taehyung happily smiles and intertwines their fingers.

Jungkook softly chuckles at his adorable omega and lovingly rubs his thumb over the top of Taehyung's hand.

When they arrive at their apartment complex, they both quietly go up to their apartment as their nerves continue to bubble in their stomachs. The elevator ride is quiet as Jungkook's hormones begin to flare because of the memories from Taehyung's heat.

Taehyung suddenly whimpers as slick begins to build up and wet his pants. Jungkook's pheromones are beginning to overwhelm the omega. The omega shyly looks away when his alpha looks at him with red eyes.

"This will be easier than we thought." The alpha chuckles and picks up his shy omega.

The omega purrs as his alpha carries him into their apartment. His shining blue omega eyes look down at his alpha as all of his insecurities dissipate. The omega softly leaves little kisses on his alpha's face as his sweet scent becomes stronger.

The alpha quickly carries his omega to their room as his hands slip beneath his omega's shirt and gently brush over his omega's soft back. He smiles as his omega continues to litter sweet kisses on his face.

Jungkook gently places his omega in the middle of their nest and rakes his eyes over his mate's glowing face and messy hair. He smiles as his omega softly bats his eyes and looks at him with shining eyes filled with innocence.

"I will protect my sweet omega." Jungkook hums and unbuckles his belt which causes his omega to blush and avert his eyes. The alpha softly chuckles as he watches his shy omega avoid his gaze. "Will you undress for your alpha?" He softly asks and watches as his omega shyly nods.

Taehyung shyly smiles and unbuttons Jungkook's large shirt he is wearing. His alpha's hot gaze rakes over his lithe body and takes in every detail of the omega.

"So soft." Jungkook hums and places his large hand on his omega's soft stomach. "So pretty." He smiles and wraps both of his large hands around his omega's slender waist.

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