Chapter 81: Safe With You

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As Yoongi sits at his desk, his classmate sits next to him. He quickly buries his nose in his phone to try to avoid a conversation. Before she can try to have a conversation with him, the professor enters the room and starts the lecture. Yoongi hums in relief when he is able to avoid the impending conversation. However, his relief is short-lived.

"In two weeks, you have a group assignment due. It requires two people to pair up. Please get into those pairs and email me who you are pairing up with." The professor announces, causing Yoongi to wince.

"Do you want to pair up?" Kyungmi asks as she looks at Yoongi with big eyes.

Yoongi silently nods and nervously picks at his pants. He knows that he has to pair up with someone in the class, so he is trying to tell himself that it is better to pair up with Kyungmi since she seems nice.

"I am a literature major. What about you?" Kyungmi asks, trying to get to know Yoongi better.

"Fine arts." Yoongi barely mutters as he avoids looking his classmate in the eyes.

"Wow. That is really cool." Kyungmi smiles sweetly as she grabs her phone. "Should we swap numbers?"

Yoongi silently nods and takes her phone. Once he has placed his number in his classmate's phone, he nervously bounces his knee, waiting for the class to be over. He desperately wants to be with Jimin.

"Is it easier for you if we text instead of talk?" Kyungmi asks as she realizes that Yoongi really does not like to talk. Yoongi quickly nods in relief.

Before Kyungmi can message him, the professor announces the end of class, so Yoongi quickly packs his bag. With an apologetic murmur, Yoongi quickly bolts out of the class.

"Hey, are you okay?" Hoseok's voice startles Yoongi out of his oncoming panic. When Yoongi sees Hoseok's worried expression, he instantly relaxes.

"Talking to others is not easy," Yoongi signs, still feeling the edge of his almost-panic attack.

"Let's go find Moonbeam. I am sure that being with him will be nice." Hoseok softly suggests and releases some of his calming pheromones to try and comfort the beta.

With a grateful smile, Yoongi nods and follows Hoseok. As he relaxes, Yoongi realizes that Hoseok released calming pheromones.

When they reach Jimin's classroom, Hoseok and Bogum stand on either side of Yoongi and continue to release their soothing pheromones. By the time Jimin's class is over, Yoongi finds himself feeling extremely sleepy. When Jimin sees his boyfriend, his eyes widen with concern. 

"What happened?" Jimin quickly asks as he wraps his arms around Yoongi and holds him.

"I think he panicked in his class," Hoseok responds and watches as his little brother comforts Yoongi.

"We might have released too many pheromones," Bogum mutters when Yoongi sleepily smiles and falls asleep in Jimin's arms.

"Thankfully, he doesn't have any more classes today. Today is our short day." Jimin mutters as he holds his boyfriend in his arms. "Thank you for taking care of him while I was in class."

"Of course, Moon." Hoseok smiles and pats his little brother's back.

"Do you want me to drive you two to his parents' place?" Bogum asks as he worries about Yoongi.

"That would be nice." Jimin smiles with gratitude as he gently shakes Yoongi to wake him up. "Let's go home, Hyung."

"Wanna be with you." Yoongi sleepily slurs as he wraps his arms around Jimin's waist.

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