Chapter 55: Kindness

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As Hyungsik sleeps on the couch, he feels little hands pat his face, so he quickly wakes up. "Yoongi, is something wrong?" Hyungsik sleepily asks as he looks at the little pup in front of him.

Yoongi sniffles and tries to climb onto the couch with Hyungsik. Realizing that Yoongi wants to be with him, Hyungsik moves over and pulls the pup onto the couch with him. Yoongi instantly curls up in Hyungsik's embrace and drifts back to sleep.

When Hyungsik's alarm rings, he quickly turns it off and wraps his arms around Yoongi. He feels bad that he will be leaving because he knows that Yoongi will be scared, but he has to leave if he wants to keep his job. Now that he has a mate and pup, he needs to keep his job.

"Yoongi, I have to go to work, but I promise that I will come back." Hyungsik gently tells the pup, who is looking at him with big eyes. "I will come back. I will never abandon you."

Yoongi grips the alpha's shirt as Hyungsik carries him back into the bedroom to place him in the nest.

"Do you want me to scent you?" Hyungsik softly asks when the pup refuses to let go of him. When Yoongi nods, Hyungsik lifts the pup back up and rubs the pup's wrist against his scent gland. Once Yoongi is drenched in his scent, Hyungsik kisses him on the forehead and then places him back into the nest. This time, Yoongi slowly lets go of the alpha. "I will come back. I promise." Hyungsik whispers and kisses Yoongi's forehead.

As Hyungsik leaves the apartment, Yoongi curls up in a tight ball and hugs the alpha's jacket. He stays awake and stares at the bedroom door, waiting for the alpha to return.

On his way to work, Hyungsik stops by Namjoon's company building to find a way to get the letter to Jungkook.

"Excuse me, Sir. May I help you?" A security officer asks when he sees the alpha looking around the building.

"I have a letter that I would like to give to Jeon Jungkook," Hyungsik explains as he protectively clutches the letter in his hand.

"All fan mail has to go through a security process." The security guard explains as he motions for Hyungsik to leave.

"Oh, then, can you check it and give it to him?" Hyungsik asks with hope in his voice. "It's important."

"Every fan thinks their letter is important." The security guard sighs and shakes his head.

Hyungsik's face falls as he looks at the letter he and Boyoung wrote. "It's for my son," Hyungsik mutters.

"What is going on?" The new presence startles the security guard and Hyungsik.

Hearing the familiar voice, Hyungsik's eyes widen in shock. He would recognize Jungkook's voice anywhere after listening to the lullaby for hours on end.

"Please read this!" Hyungsik quickly bows and sticks the letter out for Jungkook.

"Please stand up." Jungkook gently tells Hyungsik as he takes the letter.

"My mate and I just adopted our son yesterday, and he can only sleep when he hears you sing. H-he has a lot of trauma. I know it's a big request. I understand if you turn it down." Hyungsik mutters as he nervously wrings his hands.

To Hyungsik's surprise, Jeon Jungkook cries as he reads the letter. "This request is not too big at all. I will gladly record lullabies for your son." Jungkook smiles with teary eyes as he carefully folds the letter and places it in his coat pocket.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." Hyungsik cries out in relief.

"I can record several today. Are you busy?" Jungkook asks as he looks at the relieved father.

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